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"The prom queen is brook!" They announce and everyone cheers. Well except my friends and I. Not that any of us care who won, after high school that crown is just a piece of plastic that means nothing.
Haz is somewhere a little more than tipsy, and making out with another guys prom date. Which is terrible, In his defense he did say that he only goes for the girls having a bad time.
"They're getting along well" I say, pointing over to Bec and Harry who are sitting at a table talking and laughing.
"I guess so" Tom says.
"You kidding? Look at them! They're practically in love they just don't know it yet!" I say.
"Hmm that's what we thought about you two" sam comments and I roll my eyes.
"You're not wrong, Tom was obsessed" I tease and Tom frowns.
"Hey I wasn't obsessed" he says.
"You had to sleep with a stranger to try to get over her. You were obsessed mate" Sam says, leaving the table. It reminds me of that day. I saw Tom with another girl. I know it was before We were together but it somehow still hurts to even think about that.
"Hey. You're the one who had sex dreams about me when we were strictly friends" he says.
"How many times do I have to tell you! It's not my fault you got all sweaty and practically stripped in front of me!" I say.
"I took my shirt off!" He laughs.
"Have you seen your body? Taking your shirt off is basically pornographic." I say.
"Well then I can't wait to take it off for you tonight" he says, running his fingers up the slit of my dress.
"Elle? Hello?" I hear and look up to see Baylee made her way over to our table.
"Hey" I smile.
"Dude you're totally spaced out" she comments.
Toms fingers inch closer and closer, I struggle to focus.
"Sorry just a long night" I shake my head.
"Let's go take some pics together" she smiles.
His hand rests on my inner thigh, gripping. He's being a tease and at a really bad timing.
"She can come in a few, we were just about to have drinks weren't we?" Tom says.
My turn to be a tease.
"Actually, I'm intoxicated enough for tonight, let's go take pictures" I say to Baylee as I stand up.
Tom shoots me a knowing grin. This is a game now.
We take a couple pics together in the photo booth.
"Haz come take photos!" I call him over as he walks by.
"Alright ladies the hot one is here" he says and I roll my eyes.
"Wow you must be really drunk if you think you're the hot one" I joke.
"Of course I'm the hot one, I could do much better than Tom" he says and I laugh.
We take our photos and head back to the dance floor. I dance around with my friends for a while, and enjoy a few more drinks. Maybe a little too much..
"Alright I think that's enough" Tom laughs, pulling Harrison's flask away from my mouth. "You're pretty tipsy"
"Only a little" I stick my tongue out at him.
He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly against him.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks, placing soft kisses on my temple.
"Yes" I say, Excited for the rest of our night together.
He leads me through the crowd over to a table.
"We're headed out" he says to the group.
"Use protection" Jacob winks and I roll my eyes.
"Don't worry, Toms pull out game is strong" I say, causing everyone to laugh.
"Yeah? What else is he good at?" Tuwaine laughs.
"Alright that's enough you've drank too much, thank you for that by the way Harrison" Tom says, throwing Haz's flask back to him.
"Sure thing mate" Haz says sarcastically. "I think I've made your night a bit more fun"
"I'm a lot more fun with a shot in me, I'll do just about anything!" I nod and Tom groans.
"Darlin if you keep talking we might as well film tonight" Tom says jokingly.
"I would pay good money to see that" Baylee laughs.
"How much money are we talking?" I ask.
"Okay goodnight everyone" Tom stops the conversation, waving goodbye as he pulls me out to the car.
"You all talk darlin?" Tom asks as we get in the car. "You really going to do anything tonight?"
"Mhmm" I nod nervously.
"Take off your panties" he says, pulling out of the parking lot.
"But Tommy-"
"Panties. Off." He says.
"I'm not wearing any" I say in almost a whisper and he smirks, sliding his hand under my dress. My breath hitches as he finds out for himself that I am in fact, fully naked underneath this dress.
"Did you do this for me?" He asks.
"Mhmm-" I hum.
"Words." He says sternly.
"Yes. I did this for you." I say.
"Good girl" he says, pulling his hand out of my dress, causing a small frown to form on my face.
"Your pout is such a turn on babygirl" he says, parking the car and turning to me. "I'm going to go check us in, I'll be right back"
I wait impatiently for him to check us in and come back to the car. We park and he leads me to our room.
He shuts the door and grabs my arms, pulling them above my head and pushing me back into the door.
"My pretty girl" he mutters, kissing down my neck. I let out a moan, not caring who hears me. Tonight is going to be amazing. I feel his breath on my skin, causing goosebumps to rise.
We slowly strip down, and by the time we land on the bed we're in nothing. Just us. He kisses my lips and pulls away to look into my eyes.
My first time.
My first prom date.
My first true best friend.
My first love.
He is mine. I am his.

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