Do you Y/ N...

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It was time to get married. You were all dressed up. You hair was beautifully done. You had lots of makeup on too. You were given a mini basket and with flower pedals. You were guided by one of the random guards assigned to you. The guard seemed oddly familiar. You were about to walk down the isle when you saw a small bean. He had a robe on and a tiny crown. He was about half of your size.

You walked down the Isle a had your eyes connect with the fake prince's eyes. He had black hair and swirly blue glasses. You fiddled with the locket nervously.

The ceremony began. The music played and your anxiety was through the roof.

"Where were they?" You pondered. You were silent as Cackletta talked. You looked out into the audience as she continued to drone on. You couldn't see Peasly nor Luigi. Mr.L wasn't around either. You hoped they were right about their plan. Why they hadn't brief you on their plan bothered you.

The small bean coughed slightly snapping you back to reality. You looked around slightly dazed. You saw the familiar guard with a unknown guard who had the sword at his side.

"No wonder he looked familiar, that's Luigi and Peasly!" You smiled at the thought.

"Now to finish off the ceremony, do you Y/N take Prince Fawful to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I d-do" you stuttered.

"Price Fawful do you take Y/N to be you lawfully wedded wife?"

Chaos And Purity (Under Editing)(Mr. L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now