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I grabbed some things and I walked out my room and into cols and she was sitting at the foot of the bed watching the tv Col was sitting leaning against the head board. She looked at my shirt. 

Casie:*smiles* is that dads shirt?


I trailed off and she smiled at me. 

Me:Okay what do you want me to style your hair

I sat sitting next to her. 


She showed me this photo

She showed me this photo

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Me:*smiles* Okay

So I sat behind her and I started doing her hair and we started talking. 

Casie:Its cool, I like traveling

Me:Whats your favorite place you've travelled to?

Casie:um hawaii, I really like hawaii

Me:Hawaii is so hot though

Casie:It is but I just like the uh the tiki huts they have UH-MAZING- FOOD

Me:*smiles* Your right there

Casie:What about you

Me:The domincan republic

Casie:Thats a country in......in....the carribean right?

Me:*smiles* Yes why are you so smart

She giggled. 

Casie:Why is it your favorite place

Me:Cause the vibes there are so chill and like...free

Casie:*smiles* thats like what hawaii is like do you like traveling?

Me:Yes and no, I love going place but I hate airports and planes...and just like people in general

She laughed

Casie:*laughs* Mood *smiles*  Can I ask you something

Me:Of course

Casie:So Ms.Jensen told us yesterday that we are gonna start health classes and I'm scared

Me:Scared of what?

Casie:Cause part of it is sex education....and I dont want to learn anything about that

Me:Its a required class though?


Me:I dont think there's a reason to be scared there not gonna like....expose you to anything

Casie:Its just weird I feel like everything is changing with my friends and stuff and I just am not ya know


Casie:But on the other hand I look at some of the things that they are doing and I just like are you dumb

Me:*laughs* Your such a mom

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