3. Unplanned Plans

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Draco had left his office late that night, only Rose was left, hunched over her computer finishing her work for the day. She heard his clicking heels as he walked through reception, no desire to even acknowledge her presence. She stood up abruptly and flicked her long ponytail behind her shoulder. "Goodnight Mr. Malfoy." She purred, flashing him a dazzling smile. He didn't even look at her, just smirked and continued walking out the door.

Blondes aren't my type, anyway.

Draco stood just outside the office door, looking down to quiet, dark street. He chuckled to himself as he thought of the fun he had with Granger today, and how much fun he would have with her every day from now on, and apparated back to his manor.

Hermione sat in her bed that night still slightly in shock. She had returned to her work as soon as she had left his office and didn't take her eyes off her paperwork until the end of the day. She wasn't scared of Malfoy, she just hated the power he had over her, knowing he was going to use it to his full advantage. She got up and decided to send an owl to Harry, even if he didn't know what to say, at least she could vent about Malfoy to someone who would understand. She sent the letter off and closed her eyes for bed. Time to start looking for a new job she thought as she drifted off.

Hermione arrived at work the next morning, pleading that she wouldn't have to see Malfoy today. But, before she could even round the corner to her office, she knew that wouldn't be possible- he was having too much fun.

She stepped into her office to find Malfoy lounging in her chair, twisting his wand between his fingers. All she wanted to do was pick him up by the scruff of the neck and throw him out the door, but she had learnt her lesson from yesterday. Instead she decided to ignore him. She placed the job application she was going to send off at lunch onto her desk and avoided Malfoy's gaze as she walked to her filing cabinet.

"Oh Granger," he chuckled softly, "I thought you were a smart girl. I don't think that's the correct way to address your boss."

With her back still facing Malfoy, she sneered, "Good morning, Mr Malfoy. What a pleasure."

"Hmmm, we'll be working on that. What are your plans today Granger?"

She turned back towards Malfoy, who now had his feet propped up on her desk and plastered on her big, fake smile, "nothing important, Mr Malfoy." Her mind shuttered in disgust at calling him that.

"Didn't think so." he chuckled, rising from her chair and walking to the door. "You're coming with me to a meeting today, I have an important client to meet." Hermione stuttered as her eyes flickered to her job application, "No, Malfoy I can't I have plans."

"No, you don't Granger." And, as he left, he flicked his wand and sent her application up in flames.

At 12pm on the dot, Hermione found herself waiting outside Malfoy's enormous office. She could here laughter on the other side. When Malfoy stepped out, still laughing and shaking the hand of a stranger, he didn't acknowledge she was there. He shoved his briefcase into her hands and walked down the corridor without a word and she quickly ran after him to follow, muttering horrible insults at him under her breath.

Malfoy walked outside and summoned a car with his wand. He smirked as he waited for Hermione to catch up before stepping in to the back of the car and inviting her in as well.

She sat uncomfortably for the ride, with his briefcase in his lap and her gaze straight ahead. She could sense Malfoy staring at her. Still angry at him burning her job application, she muttered, "Can you please stop staring at me."

Draco laughed, admiring the way her forehead creased when she frowned, "I don't think so Hermione, I'm enjoying the sight of your anger too much." And before he could stop himself, he reached out to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Hermione recoiled and looked at him in disgust, "I don't know what game you're playing at Mr Malfoy, but will you please keep your hands to yourself?"

Draco coughed uncomfortably, just as shocked as she was at his sudden gesture. As they sped through London, not muttering a single word between them, he thought again about the invasive thoughts he had of her. Her pretty brown eyes and quick wit. The way she said Mr Malfoy awoke the strangest feeling in the pit of his stomach. But it was more than her beautiful looks and intelligence. His biggest, darkest secret was that he had feelings for her. A unexplainably deep, passionate love for her. And, after years of having her look at him in disgust (although he knew he deserved most of it) he was finally in control. He had control over Hermione Granger.

Hermione waited in the foyer of the fancy restaurant while Malfoy met with his client. She could see him from where she was sitting, throwing him filthy looks as he ignored her, laughing and sipping on his glass of wine. She thought about Draco touching her in the car and how, even though she spat at him to get away, she secretly craved more from him. There had always been a part of her that had a soft spot for Draco Malfoy, even though she would never dare to admit it. In fact, she almost liked having him as her boss; someone else to take control of things.

Hermione watched as Malfoy stood up from the table and shook hands with his client. Locking his eyes on her, he ignored the longing stares of the waitress as he walked out, thrust his briefcase back into her arms and continued towards the car. Hermione ran after him to keep up.

The ride, at first, was silent. Hermione observing the people on the street as their car raced back towards the office. Eventually, Draco let out a small cough and spoke "Thanks for coming Granger, it was nice to not have to hold my own briefcase."

She couldn't help herself when she mumbled "That's Ms Granger to you Malfoy."

He turned his gaze straight ahead and snickered menacingly, "oh you're going to regret that one Granger."

Hermione's nerves were shot as they pulled up at the office. She didn't even realise she had said it before it was too late. Draco silently stepped out of the car and walked over to her door. Surprisingly he pulled it open and extended a hand to help her out. She accepted but, instead, he gripped tightly onto her hand and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "My office. Now."

He let go and walked away without another word. Should have just kept my bloody mouth shut she thought, now I'm going to lose my job before I even got the chance to apply for another one.

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