Ch. 55- Namae wo Yobu yo (Anata no Namae wo)

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Satou's POV

"Both of you, head inside! Now!" I yelled at Kamakiri and Fukidashi, who were still strewn on the ground in a hug. Kamakiri looked at me with slight surprise in his eyes, but listened. He pulled up Fukidashi and basically carried him to the front door.

I jumped off the porch and ran as fast as I could to the main building. I don't think we'll be attacked today, normally you'd plant a note first, then wait it out to scare your victim, then attack. You wait before they can really devise a plan... so while it's not now, it will be soon.

Even sooner if you count that the staff are all experienced pros, and students that have been through more shit than you can imagine.

I raced into the school building, darting around every corner and hallway to get onto our floor. Mr. Aizawa should be grading our papers.

I basically slammed into the classroom, Aizawa staring at me from his desk in shock. Present Mic was sitting on one of the desks across from him. Not only did I just barge into the room, my face was sweaty and pink, there were probably a couple of tears falling from my eyes too, so it's no wonder why they gave me such worried looks.

"What's up, little listener? Whatcha in such a rush for??" Mic says gently and jumps off the desk, walking quickly over to me. I basically push the envelope into his chest. It's only now that I notice how blurry my vision is and how much my eyes burn from the salt in my tears. Worry and anxiety overcame my body, my knees buckling beneath me. I leaned against the doorframe to keep from completely falling, but I hardly had any strength left. I could basically feel it being leeched from my body as I crumbled into a ball of despair and fear. We've been through too much... we narrowly made it out last time we were attacked by villains... it was by pure luck that Ojirou came back, what if that happens again?? What if someone else dies because I couldn't find out fast enough that we were being targeted?? HOW CAN I EVER BE A HERO IF I FAIL TO SAVE MY FRIENDS?!

I saw the dark figure of Aizawa shoot out of his seat and dash over to me, Mic stood off to the side and read the letter. I saw his eyes dash across the paper, then flip it over. More and more fear began to fill his eyes until it was all that remained within him.

"Hey... Satou, look at me." I reluctantly met the eyes of my teacher. Mr. Aizawa's gaze wasn't pitiful, it was understanding. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, it was surprisingly safe.. and warm.

"Ai,,Aizawa... Id d- don't want anyone else to die... n not agai,,n Aizawa..." I held him tightly. Never letting go.

"No one will die, Satou... not on our watch." He pat my back and rubbed the top of my head soothingly. I saw Mic discreetly pass the note to Mr. Aizawa. He was stiff, but the fear in his eyes eased. It took Aizawa a mere second to read the note.

"I.. recognize the handwriting, but I don't remember where from. I'll find out who wrote it, and we'll track them down. Everyone will track them down. I won't rest until we find whoever's behind this." I heard him crush the paper behind me.

"Wh-When will we tell everyone else?"

"Right now. Everyone needs to know as soon as possible so we can take as many precautions and safety procedures as possible before they decide to attack. We'll ensure your friends are safe, Satou." Aizawa's voice was stern and serious. I trust him. I trust him with my life.

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now