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3 days after uncorruption

Yellow diamond had been waiting in her Chambers. She looked out of her balcony, overlooking the vast city of Homeworlds capitol. The amount of gems walking the streets wasn't seen since the rebellion. It had only been a few human days but the populace was already enjoying their new freedoms.

She received a transmission from yellow Pearl. "My diamond, the onyx trio has arrived." Said the scratchy voice of the Pearl.

Yellow looked to the holographic screen. "Thank you Pearl."

The large door to her Chambers opened. Inside walked three average sized gems. They had light grey skin. Raven black hair slicked down. Their eyes were a charcoal black with a grey iris. And their uniforms a dark black with grey stripes.

The slightly taller one in the middle stepped forward. "You asked for us my diamond." She said to the large yellow ruler.

"Yes, I have a disturbing feeling that the human government is hiding things from us. I noticed a human use a primitive active camouflage and steal some of the Pink's fountain water. Although impressive for a young species it only lasted for moments. I let them escape to see where they went." She said to the onyx's.

The onyx to the left looked confused. "What would you have us do with this informative n, my Diamond?" She asked.

Yellow looked down at them. "I want you to see what they know. And what they are up to. I have no doubts that their smarter than they look so he on gaurd at all times." Yellow said with the utmost seriousness.

The onyx to the right snorted. "Really, humans? Why should we be afraid of such a young race. After all were allied with them."

Yellow narrowed her eyes at the onyx. Her old feelings of wanting to poof her on the spot resurfacing. She calmed down and spoke. "We're allied with Steven and 'Beach city' I have no illusions that he is the leader of their species. From what the Peridots have gathered from going through their internet is that they are ruled by hundreds of government's and thousands of people. But that is not your concern." Yellow then made a hologram appear from the ceiling. It was of a large land mass with on odd shape. "This country, 'America' as the humans call it. This is the country that controls beach city, as well as the ones that are supposed to protect it."

Then holograms of multiple vessels appeared as well as images of ground and air vehicles. "The humans are masters of their domain. They have made weapons and vehicles that are well suited for their planet and people." Then another hologram of a large missile with the head cut away. "They have also built weapons of mass destruction. Utilizing both a crude nuclear fusion reaction that is Kickstarter by a nuclear fission reactions n. These are by far their most powerful weapons. Each one ranging from a barrage with a dozen ships to being able to destroy our largest ship with a few."

This had the onyx's deadly quiet. Yellow showed a picture of one of the smaller detonations. "The humans have put extensive research into what their short and long term effects are. They are indeed wise enough to not use these weapons against each or there that often. Lest they leave their only planet a nuclear crater. But if they launch these at us." She narrowed her eyes. "Consider it an act of war."
"You will receive more information of their personnel wepaons and abilities on the flight. But for now, good luck." She said, it felt odd to say the human phrase.

The three onyx's saluted and walked off. It didn't take long to get to the nearest warp pad. From there it was a quick journey to the hangars main hangar.

The gems quickly made their way past all the technicians and other gems that were performing all types of maintenance on other ships. But their goal was the pitch black ship at the back. Looking like a large flying wing with no descernahle features except it's loading ramp. The nephrite was waiting to take them to the human Homeworld.

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