Hearts desires in your face!

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Millicent Bulstrode, Amina Cheng, Elizabeth Whitemore, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson were all staring at the elephant in the room.

Even if there was a literal elephant in the room, the mirror would still be the elephant in the room.

"Wow. Of all the things I was expecting, this was none of them." Amina gaped.

"No kidding." Pansy walked around the mirror, taking it in.

"I told you it was there," Harriet frowned.

Draco sighed. "It was a bit difficult to believe but after this, I am never doubting you again."

"The earth is flat." Harriet deadpanned.

"Sure, why not?" Draco stuck his tongue out at Harriet's eyeroll.

"So this shows me what I want?" Millicent Bulstrode asked stepping in front of the glass.

"It shows you what you really really want." Elizabeth Whitemore told her.

"Your hearts desire!" Draco exclaimed dramatically, flailing his arms about.

Millicent looked into the mirror. She cocked her head to one side and then the other.

"Is it safe?" She asked.

"Yup." Pansy said after checking the information.

Millicent stepped closer to the mirror and gasped.

"What do you see?" Harriet asked.

"She doesn't have to share that!" Pansy told her.

"It's alright. I see myself. I'm standing on a beach near my home. My parents are there." She smiled sadly. "They don't have those ugly snake tattoos either. We're happy."

Amina placed a hand on her shoulder. "I see something similar. My brother and my parents. Mum is still alive, Dad isn't in Azkaban and Noah is -" She swallowed thickly -"He's okay."

Harriet began to fidget. Living with the Dursleys wasn't a walk in the park but... they had it worse. She couldn't even begin to imagine how it would be if her parents had been imprisoned for crimes she couldn't comprehend. For unspeakable horrors.

"My turn!" Elizabeth said, stepping up. She gazed at what she saw without any emotion showing on her face. Her eyes told a different story. The unshed tears of many years threatening to fall. She took a deep breath and stepped away.

Pansy took a step forward. She looked nervous. Eyeing the mirror she shuffled closer and turned away.

"I'm not doing this," she decided.

"Why not?" Amina asked. "Don't you want to know what your hearts desire is?"

"Not really." Pansy shook her head. "For all I know, it might be something impossible and then I'll just be disappointed all my life if I don't achieve it. I'm not putting that kind of pressure on myself. At least, I don't want to."

"Understandable." Harriet smiled. She was beginning to regret ever looking in the mirror and felt bad about showing it to the others. What if they couldn't stop thinking about what they saw? Would it drive them crazy? If they went mad that would be her fault!

"Well," Draco shrugged, "I'm taking a look anyway."

His smirk in place, he walked up to the glass and took a look. His face fell.
Quickly, he composed himself and turned away.

"Not what I thought it would be." He looked around at everyone else. "Shouldn't we be heading back?"

Pansy glanced at her watch.
"Blimey, you're right! Morning patrol should be starting soon!"

"You know the patrol schedule?"

"I thought it might come in handy!"

"Let's just go!" Millicent grabbed them both and began sneaking back to the common room, the rest in tow.

It was a journey of hushed whispers and using statues as cover under the judgemental eyes of many portraits. Only Draco remained silent the whole time. Harriet sent him a concerned glance to which he waved his hand dismissively.

Once back in the common room, she turned to him and asked, "What did you see?"

She noticed the others sneak off. Weren't they curious as well?

Draco sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Because you were so unaffected by whatever it is."

"It's none of your business."

"That is... true. But I want to help!"


"Because we're..." friends? Were they friends? Could she say that? Harriet mulled it over for a second."I'd like to be your friend. Friends tell each other things, right?"

"Yeah..." Draco looked around awkwardly, then back at her. "You really want to be my friend?"

"Sure!" Harriet grinned.

"Well, in that case..." He stuck out his hand. "Happy to be your friend, Harriet!"

"Happy to be your friend too, Draco!"

They shook on it.

"So... about the mirror," began Draco.

"You don't have to talk about it!" As curious as Harriet was, she regretted pushing. You weren't supposed to push your friends for information. Not as far as she knew anyway. She hadn't really had friends before Hogwarts.

"No, it's fine. I just think it's stupid." Draco scuffed one of his shoes on the carpet.

"What you saw?"

"Yeah. My father was telling me he was proud of me."

"That's more normal than I expected."

"What did you expect?"

"I saw a bunch of my dead relatives so..." Harriet shrugged. "Wanting to make your dad proud isn't that strange."

"He just never says anything and I always feel like I'm not good enough for him." Draco sniffed.

Uh-oh! Emotions. Harriet was not prepared for those.

"Don't be silly. Your great!" Harriet smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Even if the pawning something you read two seconds ago off as your own idea is kinda annoying."

He sniffed again.

"Crap! Sorry! I didn't want to hurt your feelings!" Harriet mentally kicked herself.

"It's alright. That is something annoying. I'm just worried people won't like my ideas." Draco grinned sheepishly.

"I'd like any stupid ideas a lot more than anything that someone came up with a thousand and two years ago." Harriet scratched the back of her neck. "It is kinda scary letting people know what you're thinking though."

"I know, right? Anyway, I should probably go to bed. See you in the morning!" He turned to leave.

"Good night!" Harriet waved.

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