Sneak peek into book 3

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The book is still a working progress, but I just wanted to share this little snippet.


 Screaming startles me awake and I don't hesitate to reach for the dagger beneath my pillow. I clutch the leather handle, eyes darting across the old shack before landing on Norah, thrashing under her sleeping bag in the corner.

Tears spring down her face and I scramble off the floor to cover her mouth and keep her still. "Norah!" I whisper, shaking her. "Wake up!"

Black tendrils race over her skin, running up her neck until it's brushing against her cheeks. I shake her harder, looking over my shoulder at the crappy, wooden door. "Norah, wake up! They'll find us."

Her eyes fly open and she gasps for air, hand flying to her throat. I look back down at her, watching the tendrils recede down her neck. She sobs, covering my hand over hers. I wince as frost spreads over my skin, but keep hold of her mouth until she calms down.

My pulse races with the feeling of being watched. We don't have much time.  "Norah, we need to leave. You fell asleep."

She sighs, closing her eyes. For a moment, I think she may burst into tears again but not because of a nightmare. "I know."

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