Chapter 24 - Handjob Meetup!

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When you're an overdramatic fuck.


Okay, but seriously, I'm still speechless. We already dropped our shit off at the hotel, and we are going to die because we're sharing a room. That's okay because we were going to die anyway! Lack of self-preservation at its peak! Now, we went to a restaurant to eat dinner while picking up big Iida some food. Too bad, Shouta would not let us in the bar next to the restaurant, but I guess I have to remain clean. I got spaghetti, though, so I can't complain too much. We got big Iida some Hayashi rice because that is apparently his favorite along with grape juice.

Alright then.

Yes, we stayed out of trouble. Shouta forced me next to him always, so I don't beat people up. I get it. I have anger issues, but I don't beat up random people! Jeez, get your mind out of the gutter, man!

Now, we are in a place you should never take me to: a hospital! I can cause havoc here with all the technology! Well, not with Shouta, of course, but otherwise, yes. After talking to the classic bitchy front-desk lady, we head to the room that holds older sonic. When we enter, it looks white.

Like, no kidding, everything in the room is white. But that's not the main focus. The main focus is on the bed who looks like he went through hell and back. Iida Tensei.

Big Boy Iida is lying in bed, slightly sat up with all sorts of wires on him. He has multiple bandages around his head, and we can assume the worst when you look at his bare chest to see more bandages. We can't see his legs. As for the man himself, he looks just like an older-version of Iida. Just without glasses.

Overall, this room looks depressing. Time to fix that!

"Jeez, even Eraserhead lights up this room," I state as we enter. Shouta quickly smacks me upside the head, but thankfully the big Iida bursts out laughing with the other two children joining. I look up at Shouta, proud of myself as I smirk.

"If that ain't an entry, I don't know what is!" Hizashi says, " Hey, Tensei! We got some of your favs!" He hands over the tuber-ware containers to the man, and he looks better already.

"Thanks! I've never seen someone walk in with an insult, but I can cross that off the list! This is Midoriya, right? The only person I can think that matches my brother's descriptions." Oh? I walk over next to the man, quirking my eyebrow.

"What does your brother say about me?" I ask with a grin.

"Insane, savage, creepy, genius. The list goes on." He tells me. I gasp.

"The truth!" I step back, causing another burst of laughter, " So mostly complaining?"

"Yes. Don't worry, I like you."

"If only he knew. At least one of the brothers like me!"

"He likes you! He's just stiff!"

"Yeah, how the hell did he get that? Like, you both have the same hot look, yet you have opposite personalities." Iida blushed at that.

"Izuku, we are supposed to be here to investigate him." Shouta sighs, dragging me back to his side.

"I was making him comfortable. I would want the same thing if you put me in an all-white room."

"You would get kicked out without medical attention within seconds anyway."

"The truth!"

"No need to be so harsh, Sho!" Nemuri tries to defend me.

"I have regrets bringing you all in here."

"Shouta, I appreciate it. They are helping." Iida also defends me. HA, TOLD YOU, BITCH! He shakes his head.

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