Chapter 34: Kiss

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[A/N: Due to an unfortunate series of events in real life, Alpha will no longer be a part of this story for the foreseeable future.]

Beautiful weather? Check. Weekend? Check. Friends? Check. Kirishima, despite him being part of the Overhaul raid team, managed to find some time to host that barbecue he promised back when we first moved into the dorms!

Everyone from Class 1-A and Class 1-B had been invited, but not everyone found the time to come around, understandably. The rest of the raid team came and mostly spoke to Kirishima in private, the lot of them getting increasingly nervous throughout the week.

Pony, Tetsutetsu, Ibara, and Reiko were the only ones from 1-B, and the others from our class were Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Mineta who was there for obvious reasons, just to flirt with any girl around or ogle them if he couldn't hit it off.

Since Midoriya, Kirishima, Tsu, and Uraraka were mostly busy talking to themselves, and I didn't want to talk to Mineta, so I went over to the other group, made up of the 1-B students and Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu was talking to Ibara a lot, the others kinda just standing there idly as they listened to what the two of them had to say, apparently having a few things in common.

Pony smiled at me and gave me a hug, "How are you holding up?"

Wow, it had only been one day since I found out about my dad dying, it felt a lot longer. And although the scars were deep, it didn't affect me too much in ways that were noticeable.

I hugged back, "I'm alright, actually, better than I thought I'd be. You guys?"

Pony and I were speaking in English, which confused the others when I suddenly asked them a question in a foreign language, so I repeated it in Japanese.

The look of confusion went away from their faces and they all smiled, pretty much in general saying they were alright as Yaoyorozu and Ibara continued talking to each other.

We walked a short distance away from those two, helping ourselves to the barbecue Kirishima set a load of food on to cook earlier, and dug in.

"Work studies going well?" Tetsutetsu asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I went in earlier. There wasn't much to do today, just some paperwork, no leads on the Bone Collector. We did some training and called it a day."

People had dubbed her the Bone Collector as she hadn't officially been given a name or given one to herself yet.

"The thought of someone having the capability to remove one's entire skeleton from contact alone is rather frightening..." Reiko said.

"Well, easy, don't let her touch you!" I chuckled a bit, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't really work.

"What does she look like again?" Pony asked.

"She's around my height, with long black hair that goes all the way down her back. She has light grey eyes, and pure white skin. When you see her, you know it's her."

They all listened and acknowledged my description of her. Word had been sent out to everyone in the news that if anyone saw her, to avoid her and tell the authorities who would then let the top pro heroes handle it.

Everyone was on edge, especially with the League of Villains nowhere to be found at the time. People often speculated what villains were up to and what partnerships villains were developing. When rumours start, panic spreads.

"I'm just glad you're okay, Alex, I was really worried about you when you told me about everything that had happened to you yesterday..." Pony said in English, glancing at her friends.

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