Lagertha Ivanovich.10

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I hurriedly took off my jacket not wanting to ruin the moment. I remained with my tight jeans and my vest on. He kept exploring my mouth with his magical one. My breathing wasn't even. I kept my legs between his body. His hand was on my stomach,he took it upper until he started pinching my hard nipples from the top of my clothed body. I gave a loud moan for I didn't know of such pleasure leave alone experience it. I slightly moved my hip not knowing that it was hurting his wound. He let off a hiss and broke off the kiss.
Part of me was regretting and the other of me rejoicing.
I mounted off his body to the other side of the bed. "Oh my god. Did I hurt you?"
Of course I did you jerk. I repeatedly cursed myself for asking that stupid question.
"Am so sorry."
He shut his eyes in pain then letting it go.
"Nope. Am fine. I guess I got you off your mind."
"Its time to check your wound. Let me call the nurses and.."

"No! I don't need nurses."

"But I have to check your wound."

"Yes I know. I don't need nurses."

"What?! What do you mean?"
I asked curiously almost whispering the words.

"I mean, I don't need nurses taking care of me."

I brought the tools and a hot bowl of water. I cleaned up his wound and rapped it up a fresh.

"What else do you need?"
I asked.
"I need to go downstairs.
I have unfinished business. The bastards who did thus are in the fucking basement." He struggled waking up.
"No! No way! Your recovering. Can't it wait? I mean what if I hadn't come. You have been dead by now. Just wait till tomorrow at least." I tried stopping him but my words fell on deaf ears.
I realised he wanted help standing up but he didn't ask. Oh my! The ego of this man will kill me.
"Here you go." I helped him stand up and wear his clothes.
I took him downstairs where he called some men to follow him.
I kept following him when he stopped and looked at me.
"Where do you think your going?"

"Am following you."

"Nah! Go back up and wait."
"No! No Lagertha! Go back up! I won't repeat myself."
I followed his orders and went back up.
Sleep took the better part of me.
The next thing I remember is seeing Francesco entering the room.
I sat up looking at him struggle walk.
"Did I wake you up?"
"Kind of. But its better seeing you struggle walking since I told you to rest and you refused."

I moved slightly so he would take a seat which he did.
"Really?" He said as he took a cigar out of his can and placed it on his mouth then talking a lighter and lighting it on.

I didn't like it when he smoked.
I faked a cough pretending it was affecting me.
"Chula, you are good in doing a lot of staff but your not good lying to me."

"What?! I didn't say a thing. Besides I wanted to ask?
Who did thus to you?"

"Even if I told you, how is it gonna help you?"

"Really? Stop being stubborn. And if your not going to tell me, that's fine too."

"Fine. There was a mafia. They call him the dictator. He started getting in my way a couple of months ago. I warned him but its like my words were on deaf years. And I don't like people who defy my orders. I tried to take him down but it seemed we miscalculated the men he had.
Which it has never happened. Came up that the men were more than our men. So when my men asked me to retreat I said that I wasn't going to leave because my men were few. But what do you know? We won."

"How do you do it?"I asked.
He inhaled the cigar before answering.
"Do what?"
"The -- killing. How do you kill without hesitating."

"Why ask and you won't even kill? Its simple. I don't think of it. And second you don't got to have a heart."

"I have to go back." I stood up collecting my stuff.
Then he good me the words I ached to hear. My body was waiting relentlessly to hear them.

"Don't leave. Stay."
"Huh?" I pretended to not hear the words but I wanted to hear them again.
"Stay for the week."

"But I have to get information to you?"
"I don't care. Its not like they will attack until I get well soon."
I looked at him wanting to refuse the offer but did I? Did I really want to go?
"Come on. I want to show you something." He said as he woke up. I followed him quietly not letting curiosity rake the better part of me.
He went to a room and rood me to wait outside. He came out with a briefcase and a gun on the waistline of his jeans which fit him him perfectly.

We headed outside and then into a garage, where I saw numerous cars. He picked a jeep that was humongous.
"Where are we going?"
I asked.
"Making you curious is one my traits. Don't worry will reach in no time."
We boarded the car and took off.
It was a one hour drive. I couldn't help my mouth.
"Are you kidnapping me sire?"
"Shh! We are already there." We came to a big house that was humongous. No couldn't believe it. It was so beautiful.
"Who's house is it?"
"Who leaves in it?"
"Its only mine, chula."

"Wow! Its big!"

We entered inside the house which was more beautiful than the outside.

"Come on. Let's go upstairs."
When we there, he located me to a certain room.
"This is the guest house. You can have it. And I will be sleeping in another room."
That ached my heart. I don't know why, but it hurt me.

"What's the problem? You want someone to hold by the arms as you sleep?"
He said stupidly leaning on the door. I gave him a look that said "are you for real?!"
"It will be fine. And I've spent twenty years of my life sleeping alone. So no! Thank you. But before that I would need dinner and you need rest and a look from the wound." I said.

"Is it necessary?" He said as he came closer to me.
Holding my chin up. 
"Cosa mi stai facendo. Ogni volta che sono con te mi trovo vulnerabile. A parte quello voglio piegarti e scopare senza senso."

(What are you doing to me? Every time am with you I find myself vulnerable. Besides that i wanna fuck you senselessly.)

Am sorry not updating for two weeks. So I decided to repay for last week and thus week at the same time. Love  y'all!!
Have a good time. And if you have any suggestions with the story don't be afraid to ask.

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