Chapter 4

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The sun was shining through her way too thin curtains, waking her up before her alarm was due. She blinked a couple times to get the sleepiness out of her eyes, rising out of bed she changed from her pajamas to her school outfit. She pulled on her skirt a little, the short piece of fabric uncomfortable to her. Last but not least she pulled her thigh high socks on, one by one. She glanced herself quickly in the mirror, satisfied with the result. "Now for some breakfast" she thought and scanned the contents of the fridge. Fried eggs and toast would have to do it.

"Ugh, how am I this late even though I woke up earlier than usual!?"

Molly thought as she was full on running down the road to school.

"Guess I'll have to wait until lunch to talk to Kujo-senpai" she frowned. She knew he didn't like being interrupted in his few moments of tranquility at school, and she didn't want to interrupt him, but she needed answers.

She arrived at the school gate, inwardly high fiving herself for the bell not having sounded yet. "Right on time" she mumbled victoriously. She ran up to her locker and changed her shoes to the indoor ones, making a mental note of the fact that Jotaro's fanclub was nowhere to be seen or heard. She groaned, of course he had to be skipping school today.

"Oh well, there's always tomorrow" she thought as she tried to stay positive.

"Oi Molly, did you hear? There's a rumor going around that the Kujo bastard got arrested" Ruri said quietly while chewing her onigiri.

"Apparently he got into a fight" she continued, taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh, well that explains the lack of screeching in the halls" Molly said while in thought. Ruri chuckled at the remark.

"Yeah, we should enjoy the peace while it lasts" she gleefully said. Unbeknownst to both of them it would last for longer than they would have thought.

When Jotaro had been absent for three days in a row, Molly started to get a little antsy, worried even. What if the fight had gotten the better of him? How would she ever get any answers out of him then? She pondered for a moment, coming up with a plan, well, sort of at least. She'd ask the teacher about his homework, and offer to bring it to him. Maybe she could persuade Mrs. Kujo to let her come see him in jail.

Son of a gun, her plan had actually worked. The teacher had been bewildered at her suggestion, but ultimately had no objections at her offering. Hence her current trek to the Kujo household, she could faintly remember the way there. With Jotaro's father being a famous jazz musician and Molly's parents being influential people, they had occasionally had dinner at the Kujo household. Well at least when her parents were still alive. And that was long ago.

Molly took a second to prepare herself, and then knocked on the door. A moment passed and she heard footsteps on the other side. The door opened, revealing Mrs. Kujo looking surprised.

"Oh uh, I'm Amane Molly, I'm here to bring Kujo-senpai his homework" she said while bowing.

"Molly-chan, is it really you? My, how you've grown!" Mrs. Kujo exclaimed, bringing a hand to her cheek. "It's so sweet of you to bring Jotaro his homework, but you see..." she struggled to come up with the words. "Jotaro ran into a bit of trouble" she frowned. Ah, so the rumors were true.

"Would it be possible for me to see him? There's something important we need to discuss... I know the timing isn't the best but..." Molly trailed off, not really knowing what to say. Mrs. Kujo smiled slightly and spoke

"You're in luck, I'm just headed to see him. I just need to pick up my father from the airport first" she said, back to her usual cheery self. "And please, call me Holly" she added.

One pick up and rather lively car ride later the rather odd entourage had made it to the police station. After meeting both Joseph and Holly, Molly had a really hard time coping with the fact that Jotaro was well, the way he was. The total and complete opposite of pretty much both Joseph and Holly. The more she thought about him the more her nerves started to bundle up. Once again, she hadn't thought this far ahead, and improvising wasn't really her strong suit. But she had already made it this far, no sense in turning back now.

"Go ahead and talk with him first, we'll give you as much privacy as we can" Holly said and winked, Molly's face heating up a notch at her comment.

"Thank you Mrs. Ku- I mean Holly" she flashed her a nervous smile. She walked past the cells, slowly but surely making her way to Jotaro. After what felt like an eternity she finally recognised his bulky form in one of the cells. She stopped, unsure of how to proceed. Jotaro noted her presence, sneaking a peek from under the brim of his cap.

And so, aquamarine orbs were staring into powder blue ones yet again. 

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