Chapter 2

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Anakin and Dooku continued to fight.

Finally in one last energized charge, Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands... The Jedi catches the lightsaber as it drops from the severed Sith Lord's hand, Dooku stumbles to the floor as Anakin puts the two lightsabers to his neck.

Alia opened her eyes slowly... she turned her head towards Anakin then towards the Chancellor... she saw that he was grinning... grinning at the fact that Dooku lost.

"Good, Anakin... good. I knew you could do it. Kill him. Kill him now! The Chancellor demanded.

"I shouldn't....." Anakin said

"Do it!" The Chancellor yelled.

Anakin cuts off Dooku's head.... Alia stared in horror.

Suddenly a huge explosion.... somewhere deep in the ship rattled everything.

" I couldn't stop myself," Anakin said... looking down at his hands... completely regreting his decision.

"You did well, Anakin... He was too dangerous to be kept alive," The Chancellor repiled.

Anakin drops Dooku's lightsaber, moving towards The Chancellor... He raises his hand towards The Chancellor, who is strapped in the Admiral Chair... soon the restraints on his wrists pop loose.

"I shouldn't have done that, Chancellor. It's not the Jedi way," Anakin said...The Chancellor stands up, rubbing his wrists.

"It is only natural. He cut off your hand... and Alia's hand, and you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time, Anakin. Remember what you told me about your mother and the Sand People. Now, we must leave before more security droids arrive," The Chancellor demanded.

The ship begins to lean to one side.

Anakin turned to look at Alia and Obi Wan, he rushes over to them... Anakin noticed Alia was awake. He froze for a sudden moment, knowing she saw what he had done. Anakin lifts the control console from on top of them, and pulls Obi Wan free.. Alia stood up dusting herself off.

She watched as Anakin kneeled down and checked on his unconscious Master... her eyes moved, and saw The Chancellor running towards the elevators.

"Anakin, there is no time. We must get off the ship before it's too late," The Chancellor said.

"He seems to be all right. No broken bones, breathing is all right," Anakin repiled.

"Leave him, or we'll never make it," The Chancellor repiled... Alia noticed he was getting impatient.

"His fate will be the same as ours," Alia said.. frowning.

Anakin picks up Obi Wan, and slings him over his shoulder... and heads for the elevator, with Alia on his tail.

They reached the elevator doors and hit the button.

"The elevator's not working...R2," Anakin said into his comlink.

Alia smiled, when she heard R2 beep..

"Activate Elevator 3224," Anakin continued.

Suddenly the ship shifts to its side as the elevator doors open... The Chancellor is thrown to the ground, Alia and Anakin both jumped on the door frame of the elevator shaft.

"R2.... do you copy? R2, come in!" Anakin yelled.... waiting for a response.

As the elevator shaft rotates, it becomes a long hallway.

Anakin and Alia cling to the doorframe, Alia noticed how hard Anakin was struggling with Obi Wan on his shoulders.. she turned and watch The Chancellor who soon joined them.

"We can't wait. Come on, we have to be fast," Alia spoke up.

They all three started running. The ship begins to roll again, and both Jedi and The Chancellor are forced to jump from one side of the elevator to the other.

Anakin cuts a control box on one of the doors, but before the doors can open, the ship moves to an angle, causing Alia, Anakin and The Chancellor to start sliding down the shaft. Alia grabs some wires in the control box with her metal hand, Anakin wraps his hands around her waist.. while trying to hold onto Obi Wan. The Chancellor grabs onto Anakin's leg... As the ship rights itself, they are left hanging in the bottomless elevator shaft.

Obi Wan regains consciousness and tries to look around.

" Easy there... we're in a bit of a situation," Alia said.. feeling him move around.

"Did I miss something?" Obi Wan questioned... he looked down and saw The Chancellor and the bottomless pit.

They hear R2 beeping on Obi wan's comlink...

The ship begins to roll, causing the vertical shaft to move into a 45 degree angle...they hear the elevator brakes release and look up to see the elevator heading towards

"Oh shit," Alia said.

"Hold on," Anakin repiled.

"What is that?" Obi Wan questioned....

Alia and Anakin look up, and watch the elevator approach them... at high speed, Alia looked down at Anakin... with a very concern look.

"oops," Alia said.

"R2, R2... Shut down the elevator!" Anakin yelled.

"Too late! jump!" Alia yelled... letting go of the wire... and they all began to fall....

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