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Izuku's POV

   I was very happy to see Aika and everyone else again...The thing is I had to wait until they stopped crying to explain what had happened. Let me just say it took around 2 hours to get everyone to stop their tears.

   Especially Aika. She cried like a whole river.

   "Come on, Aika...I'm back and all you're going to do is cry?" I teased. She huffed in a tissue and smacked me lightly.

   "I was worried to death!" She said with much difficulty. 

   "We were all worried, Deku!" Kacchan yelled. 

   I could see his red, puffy eyes underneath his hair. He was purposefully keeping his head down, avoiding me as he cut the onions. He was worried about me. Everyone was...

   "Kacchan!~ I can see your red eyes you know~" I laughed. He turned red and turned to me.

   "N-No I'm n-not! It's the o-onions!" He screamed, exploding the half sliced onions.

   "Okay, if you say so." I gave him a small smile. Kacchan just turned back and continued to slice the onions.

   "Todoroki! Were you worried to?" I asked, turning towards him. He nodded, covering his red eyes.

   I felt touched. I smiled and hugged him.

   "Well, here I am! Thank you all for worrying about me though." I said, sheepishly. I was kind of embarassed though...Since I was caught and couldn't do anything about it.

    But I have to say...I had a great time with the villains. They were...nice. Unlike what people think about them.

   "Anyways...What were you guys doing?" I asked.

   "We were making curry..." Aika explained, pointing towards the food. I nodded.

   "Let's continue then! I'll help out." I stood up. 

   But before I could do anything, Tokoyami held me back. He shook his head.

   "You just came back." Tokoyami paused, blushing a bit. "You should get some rest."

   "Yeah, Izu." Aika said. I could tell that she was still worried. "Get some rest."

   I was about to protest when Mr. Aizawa walked past us. He stared at me with such a shocked face. I stared back a bit and smiled, waving at him.

   "Hello, Mr. Aizawa! Missed me?"

   I didn't get an answer though. Because the right next moment, I was heaped off the ground with Mr. Aizawa hugging me. I was shocked. I mean I was expecting some emotional stuff from Mr. Aizawa as well, since he still is a human being with a heart...But not this much.

   I hugged back and I could hear small sobs coming from Mr. Aizawa. We stayed like that for a few minutes until Mandalay pulled Mr. Aizawa away from me. Mr. Aizawa covered his face and Mandalay gave me a warm smile.

   I smiled back. 

   "Hello, you're Izuku Midoriya right?" Mandalay said. "I'm Mandalay. A member of the Wild Wild Pussycats."

   "I know. It's an honor to meet you!" I said, shaking her hand. "I'm a fan of you guys!"

   "Well, um, can I take you somewhere?" Mandalay said, glancing at Mr. Aizawa.

   He was still crying and he was all wrapped up in his scarf thing. 

   "You should get some rest and I think Eraserhead needs some time alone." Mandalay whispered to me. I nodded. "And besides! There's someone who's been your hardcore fan ever since you've debuted."

   "Oh, really?" I asked. She smiled and started dragging me away. "I would like to see my hardcore fan."

   I turned back to my classmates and waved at them. They flashed me a smile and went back to cooking. 

   "So, Mandalay...Who's my hardcore fan?" I laughed as she led me into a cabin. She smiled back at me and called someone. 

   "Kota! Your favorite hero and singer is here!" Mandalay called. "He is going to be so happy since he doesn't like any other hero than you and Aika."

   After her words, a small, young boy came running from one of the rooms. He looked so excited yet so concerned. Once he saw me, he hugged me tightly and I could hear a barely audible sob. Mandalay looked so surprised. 

   She tried to get the boy off of me but I stopped and just smiled at her. I lightly patted the boy's back. 

   He reminded me of myself of when I was younger. I was crying one day because of the brutal trainings of my father. No one was there to help me or comfort me...I was so lonely, I felt empty. I hope this boy doesn't feel like that.

   "There, there...There's no need to cry." I said, hugging the boy back. The sobs stifled away and the boy looked up at me.

   He blushed and looked away. I pushed his hat further down, probably trying to hide his red eyes. I chuckled and followed him to wherever he was going. 

   He sat on a chair in what I assumed a living room and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat next to him and we sat there in silence. 

   "So...Can you tell me why you don't like heroes?" I asked. Kota hesitated.

   "...My parents...were heroes..." Kota started. He sighed. "They died because of a villain...Because they were trying to save others...It's not fair!"

   He explained everything to me. About the day that they died, how they died, who the villain was. Everything in detail. I hurted me to know that such a young and nice kid had to go through such thing since he was young. And to know that Muscular was the one who killed his parents...I felt guilty and sick. I felt...terrified.

   "Why did they have to die?!" Kota started crying again. "Why me?! Why them?! W-Why?!"

   "...I understand how you feel..." I said, hugging Kota.

   "No..." He said. He pushed me away. "No you don't..."

   "Huh?" I stared at him in surprise.

   "What do you know about me? Living with your sister, having a family and friends to support you...What do you know?" He yelled. "How do you understand what it feels like to lose someone precious to you?!"

   I could tell he didn't really mean it. I could tell that he was just very upset...But, I have to admit that his words pierced through my heart like knifes. Even if he didn't know my actual past, even though it may have been my fault for telling the world lies about my past...As a person who lost almost everything, I felt very...hurt and upset. I felt very offended.

   I frowned and stood up. He glared at me and sat away from me. I sighed and pushed away my feelings.

   "I'll talk to you later...When you have settled down." I said sadly, facing away from him. "I'll be waiting for you to talk to me...You know I'm always free to talk to."

I'm really sorry for the late update. I was just very busy with school, tests, and make up work. I just wanted to say that until summer break, I probably won't be able to update frequently. I am planning to at least update twice a month but I will try to update more than that. Thank you for supporting me and I will try to be a better author...

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