Chapter 126: One Sneaky Ronin.

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Reader Key:

(Y/N) = Your Name.

(N/N) = Your Nickname.

(H/L) = Hair Length.

(H/C) = Hair Colour.

(E/C) = Eye Colour.

Author Notes: Thank you for the amazing support. Check out the other in-universe stories linked to this one and let me know what you think.

(Third Person P.O.V)

__ Nexo Knights __

(N/N) unconsciously shrinks back into her throne. Although she does not want to believe it, denial ripping through her mind she couldn't help it but she knows this is the truth.

Everything she'd ever know about Hela's plan was just mentioned right in front of her by people that had no way of knowing anything Hela had said to her.

Add in her lost grimoire... and a few strange objects she'd discovered in her satchel... (N/N) was very grateful that she'd chosen to sit down otherwise she would have fallen down from how dizzy she was from her head spinning at that moment.

Echo had taken it upon himself to stand next to (Y/N)'s throne. One hand on the armrest of the throne the other gently stroking her hair in an attempt to soothe her.

(N/N) shifts her head a bit on her hand but doesn't lift it from it. "Are they doing ok?" Ronin whispered to Queen Selma.

Queen Selma looked over at the Monsters; all of whom had been stunned into silence and were rather spaced out at the moment.

"I just think they're in shock. It's best if we just let them work through this and don't upset them." Queen Selma said, offering her advice on the situation.

"So... Now is not a good time to tell her that Hela came back?" Ronin carefully whispered to Queen Selma believing that everyone else was too dazed to hear them speak.

"WHAT!?" (N/N) roared as she lept out of the throne. Her eyes glowed with unyielding rage. The Monsters started to panic or break down into full-blown fits of hysteria at the news of Hela's return.

Ronin stumbled backwards over some chairs on up onto the table in a desperate attempt to reach some sort of unattainable safety as (N/N) stormed towards him.

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