Chapter 18

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Michael entered be his room too see the the young girl hiding under the blanket.

The mould under the red blanket was shivering and obviously full of fear.

After he had spoken, the girl under the blanket stopped shivering For a minute and the corner of the be blanket was lifted a little to show a to be y portion of the he girl's face.

'Ah, her eyes are clear sky blue'

Immediately those wide pupils dilated and she hid herself again in under the blanket, shaking harder than ever.

Michael sighed to himself and proceeded to walk towards the bed, he then sat at the corner and begun to hum a song that his mother used to sing to him.

The shaking stopped after at least 15 minutes of him humming and he let out a soft smile.

"Hey don't worry, I won't hurt you. You're alright"

Michael the softly placed his hand at where the girl's head is supposed to be and gently patted it.

The black haired young man tiredly sighed in his mind.

'I can't believe just how horrible twisted the Demon King's reputation is'

He looked up to check on the time and saw that it was now time for breakfast.

Just in time, he heard the soft growling of a stomach beside him.

Michael saw that the body underneath the blanket stiffened and pulled the blanket over her more tightly.

Seeing the adorable sight, he let out a short laugh and the young girl seems to be pulling the cloth tighter to express her embarrassment.

"Hey, it's about time we get you some breakfast. But first, would you like to introduce yourself"

The red blanket then begun to shift as the figure underneath begun the expose herself.

Tanned skin and soft green hair showed themselves and Michael patiently waited for the young girl to come out in her own accord.

Finally the embarrassed and slightly fearful girl showed herself.

"I-I a-am, no......m-my name is Aileana, y-your Highness............ I-I'm r-re-ally sorry f-for dis-disrupting you"

The girl stuttered as she looked at her hands, not daring to look at the eh person in front of her.

Michael then wondered why the child didn't have a last name.

But decided against asking, it might make the girl feel pressured.

"So how old are you and where's your parents. What you did last night was really dangerous you know"

The girl's expression froze and her body begun to shake.

She lowered and head and bit her lips. And soon sniffles and quite sobs filled the air.

'Oh no'

Michael knew that he stepped on a landmine with saying those things.

'Crap, her parents must have already died or something. Damn, I should have chosen a more careful question. This is going to be like that time with one of the children from Mom's school again'

He thought to himself as he begun to try the coax the child.

It took him a long time but eventually be the child stopped crying and the growling sounds appeared again.

Thankfully she seems to have calmed down enough then.

"I-I'm eleven y-years old. A-and and....... m-my parents ar-are gone"

Her voice was cracking and full of sadness.

Michael's heart hurt at seeing the full girl try to stay strong.

He looked at the child with eyes full of pity and patted her head, making the girl look at him with surprise.

"Don't worry you'll be fine, I promise. For now let's get you something to eat"

The girl nodded slowly and Michael stood up from the bed to alert the staffs to bring him some food when he felt the young girl grasps the end of his sleeves.

He turned around to see Aileana with confusion in her eyes.

"Y-your Highness, w-why are you kind t-o me?"

The girl hesitantly ask and Michael felt like he didn't have any word to answer the girl.

'Because I'm a grown that's not right, just because? Nope that sounds too weird. Because I'm the king? that just the worst excuse. Ah! How about.....'

"It's because I can, now then wait for me. I'll bring you some food."

Leaving a wide eyed and surprised child behind him, Michael walked towards the door and left while remembering to gently close the door.

After leaving the room, he let out a loud relived breath and begun to walked towards where the castle's kitchen is supposed to be.

Normally according to his memories, the food will be brought to his room.

But with the young child in it and no good explanations what so ever on his hands, it doesn't seem to be a good idea to let anyone anywhere near his room right now.

Walking silently on the lonely dark hall, Michael begun to explore more of the Demon King's memories.

Whether it be the past or the future that will happen soon.

According to the memories, it seemed thag he had already prevented one minor mishap.

It seems that Aden was supposed to have burned a lot more of the forest than in this timeline.

And afterward, instead of being rescued by himself, the boy was found fainted from Nana exhaustion in the middle of the fire.

The one to rescue him was the servants that he had manipulated.

One of the servants was suppose to die too.

That servant had died from a burning tree falling on top of then if he remembers properly.

Then the boy would have been punished afterward but his father instead took the punishment in his steed.

It took a lot of dispute from corrupt officials and in the end it was decided that the family be not allowed to ever visit the castle again.

All this happened without the knowledge of the king and only after the punishment was implemented did he knew about it. Because at the time the King was away due to some problems at a far away territory.

It was clear that the whole problem was manipulate by a demon in the castle that was helping out the humans to create chaos on the castle.

And after helping out Aileana, Michael decided to make that traitor pay.

After all, with the memories of the future he already know who the bastard is.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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