Chapter 5

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"What the hell are you doing here?"

Jotaro spoke with a slightly annoyed, yet confused tone. Molly swallowed hard, what indeed was she doing here? What had she hoped to accomplish from this? The doubts were spreading through her head like a wildfire, but she quickly shrugged it off. She had come this far, no sense in getting cold feet now.

"I - I came because we need to talk..." she spoke softly but with confidence.

"No, we don't. You best leave. Now." Jotaro commanded sternly. Oh no, he was upset because she ran away from him. Molly inwardly face palmed herself.

"Kujo-senpai, I'm sorry for how I acted at scho-"

"I'm not angry with you" he pulled the brim of the cap over his face. "It's not safe to be around me" he continued with no hint of emotion in his voice. Molly took a step closer the cell, the lack of light made it rather hard to see. Upon closer inspection she noticed his cell was overflowing with things, things that for sure weren't allowed in a jail cell. "How'd those get there?" she thought to herself.

Jotaro sat up on the bench he had been laying on, and upon doing so Molly noticed something odd. A purple, rather muscly arm was reaching out of him. Her eyes widened, could it be...?

"You've got one too?" she whispered in disbelief.

"It would seem so" he replied matter of factly. Maybe that was why he saw her spirit, she thought. That would certainly explain it.

Sadly, their lovely encounter was cut short when Holly and Joseph barged in. Molly took a place next to Holly as Joseph had a chat with Jotaro. Soon Avdol was introduced, and one thing led to another. In this case, a full on fight between Jotaro and Avdol. Well, their spirits anyway, which were apparently called "stands".

After the whole ordeal of getting Jotaro out of the cell, the group was sat at a café to talk straighten things out. With Avdol and Joseph doing the explaining the rest of them learned about stands and Dio. But something bothered Molly.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you know that I'm a stand user?" Molly asked, her question aimed at Joseph and Avdol. Joseph let out a small chuckle.

"Only stand users can see other people's stands" Joseph replied. That made so much sense to Molly.

The mismatched group soon found themselves at the Kujo household. Molly was trying to excuse herself, but Holly had none of that. She insisted on Molly staying for dinner and overnight.

"It's much too late for a young woman such as yourself to walk home alone" she remarked. Molly had no choice but to do as she was told. Once dinner was nearing its end Molly offered to help Holly with the dishes. The duo was standing in the kitchen, washing and drying the dishes. Once the last plate had been dried, Molly inquired where she might be sleeping. Holly thought for a moment.

"Well papa and Avdol-san are sleeping in the guest room, so I guess you'll have to bunk with Jotaro in his room" she chirped.

Wait. What did she just say? Molly's brain was still registering the information. And then all life left her as her face felt like exploding.

"Me? Sleep? In Kujo-senpai's room? I've never even been in a boy's room before" she thought while panic rose in her. Her thoughts were abruptly cut off when she felt something soft hit her face. It was a humongous t-shirt. She only now noticed Jotaro standing in the doorway.

"Yare yare... Let's go then, woman"

This was it, this was going to be the death of her. 

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