Part 68

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     "You've spent the whole day without the chains, I expect you to be able to open the portal by now." Darkwolf said, sitting on a chair beside the wall as he stared at Taehyung sitting on the floor beside Jimin, back leaning against the wall as he waited for her energy to come back.

"You've chained me for so long it will take longer than that for me to recover." He wasn't necessarily lying because he still felt very drained out. He could open the portal now but he might faint afterward. He wanted to fully recover, mainly so he can spend the time figuring out a way to get them out of here.

"Don't try to be smart..." He chuckled.

"I'm your only way out of here, you don't want to force me to open a portal and take us to a different location. I need to fully recover." Taehyung replied with assertiveness. Darkwolf stared at him but surprisingly with admiration.

"You make me very proud sometimes...I wish we got to know each other better..." He got up from his chair and walked up to them. Taehyung held Jimin's hand, feeling him tense a little.

"I don't want to know you... I would like nothing to do with you." Taehyung replied as he watched him squat in front of them, still maintaining eye contact.

"You have everything to do with me..." He grabbed his chin but as Taehyung was about to pull his face away he grabbed him by the neck. He was a bit confused by his words but was more focused on the hand around his neck which slowly began to tighten.

"Please don't hurt him." Jimin pleaded, holding tightly onto Taehyung's hand.

"I'll be f-fine Jimin." taehyung managed to say.

"I don't intend on hurting him..." He said with a smirk. "We have a lot to achieve together." He let go of his neck after a final squeeze.

"I'm not doing anything for you." Taehyung replied. Darkwolf chuckled and got up to a standing position.

"When I met your mom she did the same thing. She didn't want to give in until I had to force her with someone she loved. It didn't go well for her as you already know." He said.

"I am not my mother." Taehyung said in a stern voice.

"Do you want to know why your mother never liked you? Why she never did anything with you?... Its because you reminded her of me. You reminded her of her worst nightmare." He smiled evilly, not breaking eye contact.

"I'm not like you." Taehyung didn't know why he was saying these things or where he was going with it but he knows he wasn't like him.

"Blood is thicker than water... your have my blood in you." He said. The words hit Taehyung so hard he just sat there, staring at him in disbelief. It cant be, Taehyung understood what he was trying to say but he just couldn't believe it. If it was true then it will explain why he could use some gumiho powers but he just didn't want it to be true.

"I'm not..."

"You are my son and the quicker you believe it the better." He turned and walked towards the door. "I will be back and I expect you to opened the portal when I get back." He walked out the door and shut it, leaving Taehyung with a surprised and hurt look on his face. Darkwolf walked towards the presence he felt, knowing who it was.

"So you have taken him already." He saw Dr.chul standing in the middle of the warehouse. "You didn't tell me you had it under control."

"I made your work easier." He walked towards him. "I believe you were going to hand him over right?" He stared at him and they locked eyes.

"Yes." Dr.chul responded, trying not to look suspicious.

"Then I guess its done." He said.

"Is he in there?" Dr.Chul moved his attention to the door.

"Do you want to meet him? Let him know where you stand?" Darkwolf chuckled.

"No...why haven't you taken him away yet?" Dr.Chul asked.

"Taehyung needs to regain his energy." He said.

"I guess my work is done, I helped you get Jimin." Dr.chul said and turned to walk out the door not looking back because he was thinking of what to do. He cant take Jimin by force because he was much stronger than him. As he was walking back through the pathway, an idea popped in his head and he quickly picked up his phone. He placed it to his ears, looking around to make sure he wasn't being followed. He knew he wasn't because he couldn't feel the presence of Darkwolf.

"What do you want?" Ji-ah said on the other end.

"I will show you where JImin is and then you tell Jungkook to come get him." Dr,Chul said.

"What? No, I thought you said you weren't the one who took him, Jungkook will ask me questions and will hate me if he finds out what happened." Ji-ah began to panic.

"He will love you more for helping...also I will create a scene that will look like Jimin is cheating on him and he planned all this out." Dr. Chul lied. He knew she was still vulnerable to things like that. "Believe me, I'm not handing Jimin over to him." He said when she became quiet on the line.

"I...okay." She said after some thoughts.

"Good." He told her the location and turned off the phone. He quickly walked out of the place. The only way he could get Jimin is to distract Darkwolf with Jungkook.

THE GUMIHO - JikookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang