Ch17: Pretend Friend

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Here we go again.

Jimin stands silently, eyes scanning the guys at the end of the hallway, whom are none but Jeongyeon and his mates. They're circling someone, probably their new victim, throwing insults and flicking his forehead.

With a sigh, Jimin walks towards them, knowing too well he'll feel guilty afterwards if he ignores the situation. As he approaches them, he makes out the features of the boy. Black hair, bambi eyes, small lips. Jeon Jungkook, the loner.

"Hey," Jimin calls, turning heads towards him.

Jeongyeon smirks, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he takes a step towards Jimin.

"Long time no see, Jimin," He says, scanning the other head to toe. It takes Jeonghyeon aback a little, the fact that Jimin's shoulders had grown wider somehow, his uniform not hanging off his shoulders like it used to, but rather fitting perfectly over what seems like toned muscles.

"It's getting old, leave him alone," Jimin says, nodding towards Jungkook who stands silently.

"Someone's getting brave," Jeongyeon replies, chuckling bitterly, "And they're about to get their ass kicked."

"Good luck with thatㅡ"

Jimin doesn't get to finish his sentence before he's pushed back, back colliding hardly with the lockers. He doesn't think twice before aiming a punch at Jeongyeon's face that knocks him to the ground.

Straddling him down, Jimin hovers over Jeongyeon, fist raised in the air ready to attack again. It falls silent for a few seconds, everyone standing in shock at the school's biggest bully being knocked over by the ballerina kid. Even Jeongyeon's friends have taken a step back or so, eyes wide in surprise.

Jimin's fist remains in the air, his heart suddenly beating fast. As much as he tries, he can't punch Jeongyeon again, he can't see himself as someone who knocks the lights out of someone else. His fist clenches harder, and Jeongyeon seizes this opportunity to push Jimin off of him, hastily standing up and putting a hand over his bloody nose.

"You won't get away with this!" He yells before walking away, his friends right on his tail.

Jimin blinks. Did Jeongyeon just leave without fighting back? For some reason, it makes Jimin feel proud, mentally patting his back. He turns around to where Jungkook was, but doesn't find him. The few students still gathered start whispering to each other, and Jimin ignores them, standing up and searching for the boy.

It doesn't take him long finding him, knowing his hiding spot behind the bleachers. Jimin finds Jungkook curled up on the ground, knees hugged to his chest as he lets out ragged breaths, face pale and hands shaky.

Inching closer, Jimin furrows his eyebrows at the boy's state in worry and confusion.


"Go away!"

Jimin flinches at the sudden outburst, so he slowly backs away, keeping a distance but still staying, sitting down a few metres away from Jungkook. He doesn't say a thing, quietly observing Jungkook clutching the fabric on the top of his chest, filling the air with nothing but the sound of his heavy panting.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Jimin asks softly, but he doesn't get a reply whatsoever.

A few minutes pass before the sound of Jungkook's breathing has gone down, and he just sits there, head burried between knees as cold sweat trickles down his forehead.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook asks, his voice coming out muffled.

Jimin bites his lip. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. And thank you," He looks up, "Now you don't owe me anything anymore."

Jimin furrows his eyebrows. "Owe you? What are you talking about?"

"I helped you once before," Jungkook says, turning his head to look at Jimin, "At the bathroom. And now you helped me. We're equal."

"I didn't do it because I felt like I owe you," Jimin says, smiling, "I would've done the same thing even if it weren't you."

"Can you pretend to be my friend?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin freezes at the question, repeating it in his head to make sure he heard it correctly.


"I told my sister I have a friend," Jungkook says, "And she doesn't believe me. So I told her I'll bring him over today. The thing is, I really don't have a friend. I lied to her."

"Why don't you just tell her you don't have a friend?"

"She'll think I'm being bullied, and if she does," He pauses, staring into the distance and gulping, "Things will go down. And I don't want any of that."

Jimin shrugs. "Alright."

Jungkook slowly stands up, taking a few deep breaths before he starts walking. "I told her you're coming over at seven to play video games together. I'll text you my address."

"How do you have my number?"

Jungkook halts his steps, turning his head to Jimin. "Class group chat."



Jimin stands in front of the house, checking the address before pushing the small gate. It's a two story house, with a decent garden and a dog house. There's a black Mercedes-Benz parked in front of the house, making Jimin scoff.

It's always the quietest who are the richest.

He rings the doorbell, and Jungkook immediately opens the door, doe-like eyes open wide.

"You actually came," He mutters under his breath.


"I didn't think you would," Jungkook admits, stepping aside to let Jimin in.

"Thought you said I'm a nice guy," Jimin replies, walking in and glancing at the lavish furniture.

"I said you seemed like a nice guy. I didn't confirm anything," He says, taking a turn and walking up the stairs. "Follow me."

They go into what looks like Jungkook's bedroomㅡ Hold up. Jimin squints his eyes. There isn't a bed.

"It's not my bedroom," Jungkook says as if he read Jimin's mind, walking over to a huge screen on the wall, "It's my... playroom?"

Jimin almost rolls his eyes.

They indulge in the video games, and an hour passes by before the sound of the door unlocking makes its way to their ears.

"That's my sister," Jungkook says, standing up and Jimin following.

They walk down the stairs, Jungkook greeting his sister and Jimin freezing on the last step in shock, mouth falling open.


"Park f*cking Jimin?"

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