The Alpha's Bad Girl (1)

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Heather on the side or at the top(Anna Sophia Robb)


I stood behind the locker hidden and out of sight, waiting for my work to unfold. I had always pulled pranks on my teachers and this by far would be the biggest one yet.

From a distance I could hear her heels clicking against the pavement. I saw her making her way towards me, and closer to her little surprise. She went to open the door and….


A whole bucket full of mayonnaise, mustard, relish, and tomato sauce fell on her head. She screamed as the gallons of the revolting mixture fell on her head.

I bit my lip to hold in my laughter as she wobbled around slipping in the process. The school bell rang signalling the end of class and students slowly began to file into the hall. Many noticed right away and pointed while laughing. Not able to hold in my own any longer I laughed.

I laughed so hard, that I began to cry. She heard my laughter and her head snapped in my direction.

"You." She said menacingly. She pointed toward me then into the office signalling me to go to the office. I grabbed my bag from the ground next to me and flung it on my shoulder. While walking to the office I gave high fives and I got a few 'Good job's and 'Wicked's whoever says that anymore.

When I got in the office I saw the secretary Susan shaking her head disapprovingly. I chuckled and gave her a thumbs up. She was like my best friend, and I know what your thinking. 'You're best friends with the school secretary?'

"You're mother is on her way." Ms.Walsh said when we made it in her office.

I shrugged, sat down, and put my feet up on her desk. She clenched her fists to show her anger. Her face began to turn a rosy red.

"So, did you enjoy the surprise?" I asked jokingly. I watched as she began to clean herself off with paper towels. When she decided to ignore me, I continued.

"You know you smell." I pinched my nose and waved my hand as a stinky motion."You need to take a shower. A long one at that."

"I don't need advice from you." She said through clenched teeth.

"Ok. Just trying to help. Your date tonight won't be impressed if you smell like rotting garbage." I laughed. She didn't find it funny.

"Listen here you little b-." She got cut off by the door opening.

My mom came in with a furious expression. "Let's go." She said curtly.

"But mam, we need to discuss the issue." Ms. Walsh tried to stop my mom from leaving.

"We will not be discussing any issue, because today will be her last day at this school." My mom grabbed my arm and dragged me outside the office and to the car.

"What do you mean, 'today will be her last day at this school.'" I asked angrily.

My mom sighed, "There is something that I need to tell you… "

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Hi my lovely readers, first chapter hope you enjoyed it!!





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