The Poltergeist Girl v2

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EKWEFI DRAGGED the small stool to the back of her hut and sat by the small fire she had made a little while ago. The cold has been getting really biting in the night as the harmattan has blown in earlier in the week. She stretched her thick arms towards the fire, leaning down a little, her bucket-sized tummy rubbed her laps uncomfortably. Ekewfi sighed and leaned back.

This was the fourth pregnancy and the biggest so far. Agu was already tired of her, though he didn't voice it but she saw it in the shiftiness of his eyes and the cold shoulders. Yesterday and Today was her turn to be with him but he never called for her and she could never go without his call. It was forbidden. She didn't need any action. She just wanted his touch and firm hold. That was all.

She heard from Omasirichi, The first wife, that Agu's newest property, Adaugo has been with him for four days. Oma had only got to spend one day with him.

At least, she got something, Ekwefi thought. What did she have? Nothing. No man to warm her bed, no child to fill her heart with joy, no friend to comfort her. Nothing. Even her chi seems to be against her.

She lazily swatted the mosquitoes circling her thick swollen legs and sighed again. A child suddenly screamed nearby, then it was followed by gleeful laughter. Oma must have come out with the children, all five of them, gathering them around for a night story which would be stories of the land and the great ancestors. It was tradition. The appetizing smell of Okpa slithered through the air into Ekwefi's nose, she sniffed hungrily but made no move to stand up. Oma must have made them for the children, and she hardly made extras.

She was alone again.

A strange sensation wiggled the side of her enormous belly and died off. What is it again? It has been happening more frequently. She quickly made supplications to her chi, whatever it was, she didn't want to know. All she knew was she can't take any heartache anymore.

She could not give birth to a child, suckle the child, grow the child and watch the child die off again and then come back to torment her. No. Its better the child is not born at all. Why out of everyone, did the ogbanje spirit pick her to torment?

Her first was Nwabuchi. He lived to be five years and died with a strange fever. Her second was Nkiruka, a girl, but she saw traces of Nwabuchi in her. The way she spoke, the way she went about her duties. It was very strange. Nkiruka died at age four with the same fever but by that time Ekwefi was due with her third, so she had a bit of comfort.

Then, Chinwe came.

When Chinwe was born, Ekwefi sensed the spirit was different this time around, stronger, more stubborn, but more willing to stay around. Chinwe was energetic, she had this strange fire in her eyes, and her look was quite fearful.

Nneka, chinwe would always call her. Instead of Nmà or Mama. Nneka meant Mother Supreme. Whatever the girl meant by that, she had no idea. They were rumours that she would be the next priestess when she was of age. Nobody could cross Ekwefi's path with Chinwe. The girl was very territorial.

Once when Agu was beating Ekwefi for a very trivial issue, Chinwe ran out of the hut screaming in anger and wielding a small pestle. She screamed in languages they could not understand and beat her tiny palms against the earth in utter rage. Agu was terrified and quickly excused himself to his Obi, remaining there for the rest of the day.

Chinwe was just four and half then.

Ekwefi chuckled at the memory and her heart grew sad for the loss of her defender. Chinwe lived to the age of seven, when the strange fever came again, she fought it. Dutifully drinking all the agbo concoctions her mother made for her, staying in the medicine man's house for weeks on end. Even Agu was at his wits end. Ekwefi couldn't imagine life going on without Chinwe.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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