Chapter 2

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"Milton! I told you we are going to need over a thousand bottles of white wine and only a few of the red. I learned the last time people preferred the white over the red" demands Violet Harris as she prepared for the big event she was hosting that week.

Money knew no cost for her. She was going all out for this event. She really believed in this event. She was going to help raise money for tigers who had been abused in circus or at zoos. Milton was her assistant in all this. Milton Forbes was not a very good one sometimes.

"I am sorry! I mixed it up! I ordered a thousand bottles of red wine!" grumbles Milton.

"Tell me Milton. Do you want to be fired?" questions Violet.

"No! Please let me fix this! I can get on the phone. I will call them right now. Get this mess all fixed up" pleads Milton.

"Fine. Be sure you do. This better be ready by Friday night" warns Violet as she walks around the place while workers were busy getting things ready for her event.

"There you are princess! I have been looking for you all over this place!" her father greets her to the scene.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

He hugs her.

"Dad! I am so glad you stopped by! Everything is coming into place! Thank you for letting me do this! I know we are going to raise a lot of money for these animals! And guess what! All the tickets to this even have sold out!" brags a happy Violet.

"Wonderful dear! I knew you could do it!" he brags on her. He grins.

"Tell me Dad. Are you and mother going to be able to come to my event? It would mean so much to me if you did" pleads Violet. She never got to see her folks at her events. Though she always did things for worldly causes.

"I am sorry dear. But I cannot do it" warns her Dad.

"Why not? I thought you said you were going to be able to come to this one" whimpers an unhappy Violet.

• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •

She craved family time. This was something even money could not seem to buy her.

"Because dear, we have to fly on out to Africa. I am doing a business deal out there" her Dad explains.

"But daddy! So many people are expecting you to make an appearance!" begs Violet. "I have gotten stars to come. Like Chris Jenner to Bradly Ford" she complains.

"These people are not just coming to see me dear girl. They are coming to see the real star! You! You set all this up here! You did all this! I am so proud of you. I came by here to tell you all this. Show me around before I have to fly out" her Dad begs her. She nods. She knew there was no point in begging him to stay. He never did for her. No matter how she begged. Or what she accomplished in her life.

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