[Special] Encyclopedia

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Gather round, folks. All those weird Latakian jargon and cultural quirks that have since been mentioned or revealed are collected here.

(A/N: Meya will update this gradually as the poor lass learns more of her world)



Map of Latakia

Latakia is a small, feudalistic kingdom made up of numerous tribes and autonomous communities that had seceded from the Empire of Nostra

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Latakia is a small, feudalistic kingdom made up of numerous tribes and autonomous communities that had seceded from the Empire of Nostra. Cordoned from the rest of the world by mountains to the west and north, and by the ocean to the east and south, and being once under the rule of an expansionist empire, most Latakians are wary of outsiders. Coupled with being mostly a physically similar (though culturally diverse) race, Latakians are afraid of people who look different from them (Like Greeneyes, Tyldornians and Southern Islanders).

The shape of Latakia is roughly hexagonal. With the capital city of Aynor at its heart, it is divided into six triangular regions named after the regional capital: Icemeet (N), Easthaven (NE), Damerel (SE), Aquar (S), Meriton (SW), and Hythe (NW).

(P.S. Hadrian and Crosset lies in the area near the border between Meriton and Hythe, called the central-west.)

Latakia has two routes of sea trade: Easthaven Port; where ore ships would depart for Everglen, and merchant ships from Tyldorn carrying fabric, artisan glass and other luxury goods would dock, and Southmeathe Port; where merchant ships from the Southern Isles [A/N: I swear I'm not thinking of Frozen while writing this] carrying spices and tropical crops would dock.

Latakia is also still connected to Nostra by way of the treacherous Zarel Pass, which used to be and still is the main and only means of land transportation between the two countries, from the time when Latakia was part of Nostra's colony. The Pass is a narrow path which meanders horizontally across the canyonlands of Neverend Heights and Zarel River. Plagued by frequent earthquakes and rockfalls, poisonous gas, sudden volcano eruptions, and ice avalanches in winter, travelers must traverse it with the aid of experienced navigators or risk being lost forever in the canyon mazes.

Heavily manned and guarded by Amplevale Fortress on Latakia's side, and Chione's Lair on Nostra's side, in principle, only emissaries and merchants are allowed through after thorough checks for weapons, books and other smuggled innovations and intelligence, and tension is almost always at its height. Yet, there are, of course, occasional spies...


Religion is very influential in Latakian politics. The High Priest would usually serve on the King's Royal Council and hold significant sway over the direction of the country. For example, The Mining Ban was enacted by King Edward II Wynn after High Priest Uriel IV made an amendment in the Holy Scriptures, claiming that mining would bring forth divine punishment.

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