Chapter 7

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Credence worries. He worries about Newt, about Queenie and Jacob, and about Tina. Newt hasn't been home since they visited MACUSA. Queenie came back alone, and wouldn't tell him where Tina and Newt were. So naturally, Credence worries.

Queenie is kind, and reassures him that Tina and Newt are fine, but Credence sees the fear in her eyes when she thinks he isn't looking. Sees the way she sometimes just watches the door, as if she's waiting for one of them to walk through it.

When Tina finally does show up, it's without Newt. She doesn't stay long, and she gently approaches Credence asks how he's doing, and places a comforting hand on his shoulder, before sweeping back out of the room as if she were never there. It's worrying, and Credence can see the way Queenie also worries.

Credence misses Newt, and he isn't able to do anything about it, because he doesn't know where Newt is. Credence always asks Queenie about Newt, but she hardly answers anymore, mostly changing the subject.

Tina is rarely home anymore, and when she is, it's to change and shower before heading back out. Tina always looks exhausted and she rarely eats when she's home either. Not even Queenie can get her to eat, she tells Queenie how busy she is and how she needs to get back to MACUSA.

It's one night when he's supposed to be sleeping that he hears Queenie and Jacob talking, he couldn't sleep and was going to get a warm glass of milk from the kitchen to help him sleep, but their voices make him pause.

"I think we should tell Credence." Jacob's voice says and Credences pauses in the doorway of his bedroom.

"So do I, but I don't want him to panic. He's a sweet kid, he don't need no more stress." Queenie replies, Jacob sighs.

"Honey, Credence is really attached to Newt. We need to tell him, he's already panicking." Queenie groans and it a chair scraps across the floor.

"I know that!" Queenie raises her voice, she takes a deep breathe before continuing. "But Newt is in the hospital, and Credence ain't ready to lose another person, and how do ya tell him somethin' like that?" Queenie's high heels click, and Credence guesses that she's pacing. Another scrap of a chair can be heard and Jacob's shoes scuff the floor.

"We'll figure it out, we always do. Newt is gonna be fine. He's tough." Credence can hear Queenie's soft cries, and he freezes. 

He walks out of the room and moves to the kitchen, Newt is in the hospital. How did he? What happened?

"Newt's in the hospital?" Credence questions softly, and Queenie jumps out of Jacob's arms with a gasp.

"Oh honey, you weren't supposed to find out like this." Queenie's eyes begin to tear up.

Jacob steps forward, and places a gentle hand on Credence's shoulder.

"Listen kid, Newt is gonna be just fine. He's tough, and his injuries weren't that bad." Credence makes eye contact with Jacob.

"I want to see him." Queenie shifts uncomfortably.

"He's in a wizard hospital honey, you're still wanted by MACUSA, if someone reports you then you could be taken by the Aurors." Queenie explains, Credence can feel anger bubbling up under his skin.

"I don't care, I need to see him." Credence states firmly, he has an icy look in his eye that startles both Queenie and Jacob.

"Okay, but tomorrow. We'll go tomorrow, okay Credence." Queenie walks forward with a small smile. "It'll all be okay." Credence sighs and rubs his eyes.

Credence turns and goes back to his room, although he knows that he probably won't be sleeping anytime soon. He also has a feeling that Queenie will take him tomorrow at night, not first thing. Credence can feel his worry increase ten fold now, and really hopes she'll take him first thing tomorrow morning.


Credence wakes up before everyone else, like he normally does, but it's different this time, he feels worried, Newt isn't in the bed next to his. It reminds him of the conversation he had with Queenie and Jacob, he wants to go now. He needs to see Newt, make sure he's okay. What if something happened to him while he was at the hospital, Credence hovers in the kitchen messily dressed and waiting for the couple to wake up.

Credence doesn't wait long, both Queenie and Jacob look well rested, but when they see Credence just standing in the kitchen, they shoot him confused looks.

"Whatcha want to eat?" Queenie asks Credence, but Credence doesn't think he can eat.

"Nothing for me thanks. When are we going to go see Newt?" Credence responds and Jacob and Queenie shoot each other  a look.

"Honey, we talked about this last night. MACUSA is looking for you, if anyone recognizes you they'll have to call it into Ministry." Queenie states softly, Credence frowns. Did that mean that the two of them lied to him last night? Were they even planning on taking him.

As if reading his mind Jacob says, "That doesn't mean we want take you, of course." He smiles, and Queenie beams at him.

"When can we go?" Credence demands, taking an eager step forwards, Jacob looks to Queenie. Credence realizes that Jacob won't be coming with them.

"Mmm, I'm not sure. Maybe after breakfast, I know you're eager to go. Night would be too obvious, but then again they aren't expected you to just walk into a wizard hospital when you don't even really know anything about our world." Queenie states, and Credence nods.

"So, after breakfast then?" He questions, with a hopeful look sent her way.

"After breakfast." Queenie nods, Credence almost hugs both of them.


Queenie keeps her promise and takes him to the hospital after breakfast, and Jacob doesn't come, like Credence thought. The wizard hospital is a lot different than the muggle hospitals, that Credence once had to go to for Modesty, there are people sitting in the waiting room that are obviously affected by things that are magical. Credence doesn't even know how to describe what he's seeing, so he doesn't try.

Queenie walks to the front desk a little nervously and Credence keeps his head firmly down, Credence wonders if they even know what he looks like, or if they're just looking for an Obscurial.

"We're here to see Newt Scamander." Queenie says to the receptionist, who is a brown haired women with too much makeup on. Credence doesn't like the vibes she gives off.

"Are ya family?" She asks, and it's then that Credence realizes that she's chewing gum really annoyingly, Credence narrows his eyes at his feet, trying to hide his annoyance.

"Family friends." Queenie says sweetly giving the women a smile that looks a little too wide to be real. Credence is reminded why he likes Queenie. The women scowls at Queenie, but flips through a book in front of her.

"Second floor, room 234." She states with a pop of her gum, Credence finds it incredibly rude, Queenie seems to mirror his thoughts, she smiles sickly sweet at the girl before turning towards the stairs.

Credence moves a little faster than Queenie in his excitement to see Newt, and when she catches up to him his already heading down the hallway to Newt's room. Queenie smiles softly at him and follows without comment.

Credence also can feel the Obscurial pounding against his chest, wanting to be let out. Credence isn't sure if it's because it hasn't seen Newt in so long, or if there could be something wrong. Credence moves to Newt's room faster, and Queenie follows with a bit of confusion. When Credence opens the door, he understands why the Obscurial is pounding against his chest. He doesn't even fight it, he releases it to be set upon this person.

The person who tortured Newt on the train tracks, the one who acted kind to him, the one who abused him when he needed him most. Credence would not allow this monster to hurt Newt again, he had promised himself that. The black wisps glide off of Credence's frame with ease, and for once Credence isn't scared, he wants the Obscurial to punish this man. 

Not even Queenie's voice behind him will stop Credence, not when Newt is in danger. Not when everyone in the hospital is in danger. 

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