Liar you're glad it hurt

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Nile POV

            I wonder if universe has people it chooses to play jokes on. Guess what universe I am not exactly laughing. See I would be fine with my group if Sasha was not in it. I cringe at the touch on my arm. Thankful for the long sleeves that cover my arm I wait for her hands to move. Don't get me wrong Sasha is a beautiful girl and every guy in this school sees it. However, the girl knows it and she is has no problem using it. My arm itches and I fight the urge to scratch it because I don't want them to bleed. Stretching up in the chair I wince at the pain that shoots through my body. I know the skin under my t-shirt is probably black and blue.

            " Hey new kid we're over here." I hear that kid Marco yells at me. I swear I have a name. Clenching my jaw I make my way over to the seat that I guess Sasha has assigned to me. I watch the blonde haired girl as she patted the seat next her as if I was her trained. I sat anyway luckily across from my cute student guide. I can see from the look on her face that she is as happy to be in this group as I am. Mr. Walsh walked around handing out worksheets, and Marco talked to Manuela about homecoming. I was trying to work up the courage to ask her when we got to her car, but then swooped in ole boy.

            "Okay you all will pick a group name, and then decide who will be the team leader. Once that is set up you will begin to designate different jobs to each member. Have fun." Mr. Walsh said a bit too happy for my liking, but then again my night is weighing on my today.

            " I think I should be team leader." Sasha says in an loud voice. Standing up she pulls down her rising dress. I focused in on the girl sitting across from me with her hair tightly in a bun. Her wild curls look tamed. I remember how they look when they are wild. I watch as she is doodling in her notebook, and I want nothing more than to talk to her about what's on her mind.

            " I think I should be leader." Marco says waiting for others to agree. When no one voices his or her opinion we all agree to disagree. We agree to have a team leader by our next meeting, which will be lunch. When the bell finally rings all of us rush out of the class except Manuela. I haven't spoken to her once today. She stopped our morning check in because I've pretty much been here. I wince again as the pain around my back and my ribs flares up. This pain is worse than before.

            "Hey" I hear her voice and it instantly makes my day a lot better.

            "Hey Manuela." I respond hoping that my voice doesn't sound strained. Shoving my hand through my hair I wait for her to catch up to me. I see her little body move pass the people that stood between us. She is so small and it makes me smile when I think about her lying next to me the night of the storm.

            " I know student guys are suppose to ask the person they're guiding about their day, but can I vent to you about this awful group?" She rambles chewing on her bottom lip the way she always does when she was nervous. Nodding I walk with her to her next class.

            "Okay don't think I'm a bad person but I really don't want to work with Marco and Sasha. Sasha makes me want to pull my hair out because she is so frustrating. Oh and don't get me started on that pompous twerp Marco. Mr. I like it when you wear crop tops. JERK!" She pushed all of that out of her mouth.

            "So you don't mind working with me in a group?" I ask.

            "That's all you got from that?" She asked stopping to put her hands on her hips. It is hard to take her serious so I laugh. Her hand smacks me on the chest, which would not have hurt if I weren't already bruised up. I pray she did not catch the pain that flashes across my face.

            " Hey I didn't mean to hit you that hard." I can see the slight joy behind her frown.

            "Liar you're happy it hurt."  I faked being sad to make her feel bad.

            " Oh well you shouldn't be such a wimp. Be a man." She says while laughing. Her words make me flinch.

            "Hey I was joking." She replies quickly because I think she caught my flinch.

            "Its okay."

            Standing on her tippy toes Manny raises her hand to touch my jaw. It is not until I start to slacken it that I realize it was clenched. Fighting the urge to pull her close I wait for her hand to leave my face.

            "Go to class." I tell her placing my hands on her shoulder turning her towards her class.

            "Don't tell me what to do."

            "What are you going to do about it?" She says crossing her arms making her chest more than visible. Crap I should not be thinking about her like that, but I mean it is hard not to notice the girl. From her coffee skin to the brown eyes that pull you in, the word gorgeous does not cut it when it comes to this girl.

            The bell rung just as I gently shoved her into the room. She turned toward me and gave me a wink.


Your gnna pay for that you jerk.


I won't hold my breath.


Shut up.

            My body is hurting so badly and I really want to sleep. I wait for the pain to subside before heading to my next class. I'm already late so why not take my time. Most of my classes pretty much flew by. It was already lunchtime. The hallway is crowded with people all heading either to the café or out the door to eat lunch off campus. Grabbing my backpack I rush pass everyone. I try my hardest to dodge people so they wont touch my bruised back.

            The walk home took a little longer than usual, so now I only have about fifteen minutes before I have to be back at school. Sneaking into the house I pray that no one is home. I'm not supposed to be in the house.  I check the garage to make sure both cars are gone, and I grab the spare key under the weird ass garden gnome. Moving as quickly as possible I head to the bathroom to clean out the wounds on my body. Why the hell does alcohol burn so freaking bad? I clean the dried blood and ice some of the purple bruises. Pulling my shirt back on I clean up the bathroom. The last thing I need is for them to come home and see the bathroom a mess. Closing the door and returning the key back under the gnome I head back to school.

             "Hey sexy come sit next to me." Sasha whispers. I think she believes that it's seductive. Without saying a word I sit next to her and try to tune her out. God please let this class end before it even starts.

            "My dress for homecoming is going to be red, so make sure your tie matches my dress." Confusion etched its way on my face. What the hell is she talking about?

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