Chapter 15

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Anna was extremely glad that they only had Potions class with the Slytherins... Until she learned that they would also be having Flying class with them. But not even the thought of having another class with Draco and Pansy couldn't still her excitement of learning how to fly. Harry, however, was not as excited. "Typical." He grumbled as they walked with Ron. Anna found herself hanging out more with them than with Hermione these days, she was always so obsessed with her studies, and nagging at Anna about how she needed to study more. Anna loved Hermione, she really did, but there were some days (okay, a lot of days) where Anna had to struggle not to snap at her. Anna knew that she was distancing herself from her best friend, but she figured that it was better than her saying something that she would wind up later regretting. And Harry and Ron repeatedly told her that they didn't mind it when she hung around them.  Ron informed her that she wasn't like the other girls she had met, which Anna decided to take as a compliment. As they walked to Flying class, she wondered if Draco was really as good at flying as he claimed to be. But he wasn't the only one. Both Seamus and Ron would tell anyone who would listen of their  wild escapades while on broomsticks. Neville groaned about how his grandmother had never let him on a broomstick, and Anna secretly thought that maybe this was for the best. Neville had enough accidents with both feet planted firmly on the ground. The day was perfect for flying. Clear with only a slight breeze. The Slytherins were already there, and about twenty broomsticks laid on the ground. Anna had heard Fred and George repeatedly complain about the school brooms. Long story short, they were shitty. Their teacher for this class was Madame Hooch. Madame Hooch was a short woman with grey hair and eyes that resembled a hawk's. "What are you all waiting for?" She barked. "Everybody stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."
Anna glanced down at her broomstick. Fred had been right about them being shitty.
Madame Hooch instructed them to stick their right hand out over their brooms and say the word "up." It took Anna a couple of tries, but she eventually got it. She had to fight to not burst out laughing as Pansy's broom shot up and whacked her in the face. Next they learned how to properly mount their brooms without sliding off, and Anna beamed as Madame Hooch praised her for learning so quickly. What furthered her delight was when Hooch used her as an example and informed Draco that he had been doing it wrong for years. "Now, when I blow my whistle," Hooch said. "You kick off from the ground, hard."
But poor Neville was so nervous and jumpy that he pushed off before she blew her whistle. Anna gasped as Neville fell of off his broom and landed on the ground, clutching at his wrist, which Madame Hooch deemed to be broken. After warning the students to not touch any of the brooms to the hospital ward. Almost as soon as she had left, Draco started to make fun of Neville. "Shut your mouth, Malfoy!" Anna snapped. Suddenly he darted forwards, and grabbed something from the ground. Anna recognized it as Neville's Rememberall. Harry and Draco started fighting over it when Draco got onto his broom and took off, and Anna groaned as Harry followed suit. The only thing that would come of this was that Harry would be getting into trouble, and he got into enough trouble as it was with Snape, and he didn't need to lose Gryffindor any more points. She turned to Hermione. "Honestly, it's like he can't stay out of trouble."
"He's a boy, of course he can't stay out of trouble."
"At least he stood up for Neville." Parvati piped up. "Honestly, I hate those Slytherins more and more with each passing day."
"Some of them aren't so bad," Anna said. "The worst ones of the lot are Malfoy and Parkinson."
True to Anna's prediction, McGonagall came storming out, and dragged Harry away once he had landed. "How many point you reckon Harry lost us?" Dean Thomas asked, and Anna shrugged. "Knowing McGonagall, at least ten points, maybe more."
"But Harry's in her house!" Ron exclaimed, and Hermione turned to look at him. "That doesn't matter. McGonagall has to remain impartial, no matter which students are involved."
Ron grumbled under his breath before turning away and Anna rolled her eyes. "Ignore him, Mione, he just doesn't like being proved wrong."
Madame Hooch returned a few minutes later, and the class was dismissed. Anna walked back to the castle with the girls. They were done with classes for the day, and Anna decided that she should get some of her Charms homework done before dinner. Sitting on the couch in the common room she had just been about to unroll her parchment when Fred, George, and Lee came in. "Oi, Potter!" Fred sat down, draping an arm over her. "What do you want Weasley?" Anna retorted.
"I need a small favor-"
"If you're asking for me to cover for you with Filch again, the answer is no." The other day they had almost gotten caught by the old man, and would have gotten into trouble had Anna not covered for them. She had later found candy covering her bed. How they had gotten past the charms that kept boys from getting into the girls dorms she would never know.
"Of course not!" Fred said in an offended tone. "We need you to cover for us with Snape."
Anna raised an eyebrow. "What the hell did you do to Snape?"
George started to laugh. "We may have managed to dye his hair bright pink."
Anna couldn't help it. She started laughing too. "How did you manage that?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets." Fred answered. "So will you cover for us?"
"Only because I would love to see Snape with pink hair." Anna had agreed just in time. A moment later McGonagall came in through the portrait hole, followed closely by Snape. Anna had to struggle not to start laughing again. "What happened Professor? Did a potion go wrong?"
Snape merely stared at her as McGonagall looked at the twins and Lee.  "Where were you three about twenty minutes ago? Professor seems to think that you are responsible for his change in hair color."
"Professor that's impossible, they've been with me." Anna interjected. "Although I do believe that I saw Crabbe and Goyle lurking around the Potions room earlier."
"Thank you Miss Potter." McGonagall said. "Come, Professor Snape." She turned on her heel and left. As soon as the portrait had closed, Anna started laughing again. "You three are so lucky that I was in a good mood."
"You're a life saver." Lee announced, dramatically kissing her cheeks, and Anna gagged as she pushed him away. "Don't mention it. Now if you don't mind I would like to try and get my homework done."
"You'll find another bucketloads of candy on your bed." Fred promised before the three left. Anna smiled as she shook her head. Honestly, what would she do with those boys?

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