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ronaldwsl : hey guys, we're throwing a party with Hermione tomorrow
ronaldwsl : after all, it will be Christmas Eve

hermioneg : we'd like to invite everyone

hermioneg added dracomalfoy into the groupchat

ronaldwsl : what are you doing?

hermioneg : apparently he and Harry made up


harryjpotter : oh fuck

ronaldwsl : when exactly were you planning to tell me?

harryjpotter : I don't know
harryjpotter : probably soon


lovegood : we know

fredw : Neville,

georgew : sweetie,

fredw : it was obvious that

georgew : they are going to date

fredw : sooner

georgew : or

fredw : later

ginnywsl : are you guys not going to congratulate us?

ronaldwsl : what's there to congratulate for?
ronaldwsl : y'all have dated before

hermioneg : congratulations Ginny
hermioneg : I hope you two will be happy

harryjpotter : Ginny I'm so so happy for you!
harryjpotter : hope I'm invited to the wedding

ginnywsl : honestly Harry,
ginnywsl : if it weren't for you
ginnywsl : we wouldn't be here now

harryjpotter : I'm glad I took you to him

deanthomas : yeah, for real, thank you Harry

dracomalfoy : hey, Weaslette

harryjpotter : DRACO. LUCIUS. MALFOY.

ginnywsl : hey, Malfoy

dracomalfoy : congrats, carrot

ginnywsl : thanks, barbie

harryjpotter : what

ronaldwsl : the

harryjpotter : actual

ronaldwsl : bloody

harryjpotter : fuck?

fredw : hey, George

georgew : yes, brother?

fredw : Harry and Ronald have learned something from us

georgew : they grow up so fast...

ginnywsl : well, you see
ginnywsl : I and Draco don't usually speak
ginnywsl : but when we do we're mean to eachother
ginnywsl : but what for?
ginnywsl : and he was making fun of my hair

ronaldwsl : Draco Lucius Malfoy

dracomalfoy : let her finish

ginnywsl : thank you, barbie
ginnywsl : anyways, we're speaking and he called me a carrot head
ginnywsl : and I went "at least I didn't steal barbie's extensions"
ginnywsl : it's stuck with us now

harryjpotter : Ginny : 1 , Draco : 0

fredw : that was a sweet burn, sister

harryjpotter : so was Goyle

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