Chapter 14 [Edited]

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Chapter 14

Zayn's POV

This day was filled with nothing but happiness. The fact that she was willing to kiss me was so amazing. And the fact that the kiss was better than any of my other kisses was even more amazing. I like her. I like her a lot which is blatantly obvious to everyone but her. She is the most amazing girl in the world. The way her hair just cascades down her back. The way her hazel eyes give away every emotion she's holding. The way bites her lip when she's embarrassed. The way she fluffs her hair when she's super happy. And most of all, the way her smile can take my breath away.  

The whole car ride, I never let go of her hand. I loved the way her fingers fit perfectly in between mine. She didn't stop smiling throughout the whole ride. And halfway through, her eyes closed and her breathing became steady. It took all my might not to stare at her. She looked beautiful asleep. She always looked beautiful.

I sighed as I reluctantly looked away. I kept my eyes on the road because I was afraid that if I looked at her again, I won't be able to concentrate. Her hand squeezed mine and I felt warmth radiate through my body. She squeezed it again but this time it was much more tighter. It made my heart tighten because the pressure she applied was a scary kind of tight. There was something wrong. I quickly pulled over and helped her.  

Her eyes were shut tight and her eyebrows were furrowed. She was sort of curled up in a ball and her grip on my hand was too tight. She started to moan in a frightened way. As if she kept getting hurt. She moaned louder. Then she started to scream in her curled up ball. She wasn't tharshing but she looked absolutely paralysed. I got scared and I quickly undid her seat belt and pulled her onto my lap. She curled up into a more tighter ball and she screamed again. I gently shook her to wake her up.

'NO. COME BACK!' She cried desparately in her sleep. I gave up on shaking her and wrapped my arms around her body and hugged her to my chest. I whispered in her ear softly.

'Rose, baby. Wake up. It was just a dream. Wake up, baby.' I murmured into her ear.  

Her eyes opened abruptly and she sat up quickly. Her chest heaved as she breathed heavily. Her neck and forehead was glistening with sweat. She looked around frantically as if she was searching for someone then her shoulders sagged when she realised she couldn't find anything. Then her eyes landed on my face and leaned into me.

'Zayn.' She softly cried and her arms wrapped around my neck with her forehead against my chest as she calmed her breathing down.

'Shh, Rose. It was just a dream. Don't let it get to you.' I whispered to her. I felt her hands start to shake around my neck.

'It was like it happened yesterday, Zayn.' She whispered and stroked her back softly, up and down her spine.

'Do you want to talk about it?' I asked in her ear. She shook her head and sat up straight. She  closed her eyes and heaved in a deep breath and balled up her little hands into fists then after a few seconds she let go of both. She opened her eyes and looked at me, her hazel eyes holding no emotion but regret.

'I'm okay now.' Her voice slightly trembled.

'Are you sure?' I asked her with doubt in my voice. She nodded in answer then got off my lap and sat in the passenger seat. I looked at her once more but turned the car on and drove back to her apartment.  

I parked outside the building and I looked over to her. Rose had her knees up to her chest and her arms around them as if she wanted to hold everything together. It was agonizing looking at her in such a depressed state instead of her happy self from today. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. She didn't protest nor did she let go of her knees.

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