Chapter 3

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Harvey's P.O.V
After a long drag of getting sweaty, having to put up with strict teachers, and kids who are snitches, finally school was over.
I put on my black coat that had a furry hood, put my rucksack on my back, and went to the place where I was going to meet Megan.


Finally after what felt ages of waiting, she, Megan and her friend who I don't even know the name of came walking upto me.
"You decided to turn up then" I said, sniggering to myself.
"Yeah, but I can't quite easily turn back round, and leave you all by yourself so you might want to shut up" Megan smacked me on my arm, and started making me and her friend laugh.
"Alright, don't get your knickers in a twist" Again, I sniggered, because I am absolutely hilarious.
"Shut up and be nice for once you plonker"
"Yeah whatever, and by the way who's this?" I said, pointing at the girl, who had blonde hair, that went down to her stomach.
"Oh that's Hannah, you actually decided to say hi then" Wow, she really can't stop being sarcastic but man it's cute.
"Hi Hannah" I said, letting my teeth out.
"Hey Harvey" She said sweetly, going bright red.
"Yeah so anyway, fancy coming round mine?" I asked, not sure.
"No, let's go to mine instead" Megan, said walking off.
"Oh, ok then" I looked at Hannah, and she started laughing.


Hannah's P.O.V
I sat quietly on the floor, as Harvey and Megan sat on the bed chatting away. Wow, how I feel like a third wheeler.
"Guys, I'm going to go, I feel like a third wheeler, see you tomorrow" I smiled, and started heading for the door.
"Well actually you might not see me tomorrow because tomorrow is saturday, and I might be planning something else, with someone" Megan, giggled, and hers and Harvey's eyes met. That was who she was meeting then.
"Oh ok, bye Meg, bye Harvey" I went through the door, and left them too it.


Once I had reached my home, I unlocked the door, and ran upstairs to watch more tv.
Just as the programme was getting to a good bit, my phone rang. I grunted but I did pick the phone up. The id caller was Megan.
H: "Hey meg"
M: "Hey by the way, I won't be able to meet you tomorrow but Sunday you will because were going to soccer six because Harvey is playing there and we are going and yeah we get to meet so many famous people"
H: "Oh ok, is your mum picking me up?"
M: "Yeah at nine thirty see you Sun' ok bye"
She cut the call off, and I carried on watching the tv.
I guess I'm going to soccer six then..

First, Who? Second, Love You - Harvey CantwellWhere stories live. Discover now