Part 9

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He came strutting in like he owned the place, he wore a peasant shirt and brown trousers that were tucked into his boots. His golden blond hair a mess, looking like he just woke up, "What is it, father? I was having a very nice lie in."

The king grimaced at his son's behaviour, "Insolent child." He slapped him on the head, "Waking up at noon, honest to the gods the country is going to be in ruins when you take over."

Jayne had to cover her mouth to stop a giggle, but she still made a visible noise, which caused Desmideus to turn his attention towards her, "Why hello," He rested an arm against a pillar, crossing his feet and gave a flirtatious smile, "And who might you be?"

The king slapped him over the head again, causing him to stumble off the pillar, "She's a member of staff, not a concubine, boy."

Ahh yes, Desmidueus Zatara, he was not Jayne's favourite boy in the game, she only played his route because he was the poster boy and main capture target, but he was infamous for being a bit of a playboy. When you play his route, it is the classic 'reformation of the bad boy' storyline and how the heroine is able to 'fix' him and he falls in love with her because she is 'not like other girls.' Which basically means he's telling her that she's not a whore and refuses to feed his ego. It was one of those 'because you are the only girl who doesn't immediately get on the floor begging for my love I, therefore, have fallen in love with you'.

To speak the truth, there's nothing wrong with being a whore, but in this game, and many others, there is a concerning amount of praise to purity. Sure, in this world, Jayne has yet to kiss a boy, she doesn't know if she did it before she died, but she did know that the guys who liked a girl because she is 'innocent' and 'naive' should definitely be placed on some sort of watchlist.

It is due to Desmideus' antics that births the villainess storyline, the two had met each other when they were fourteen. The villainess was a princess to a neighbouring country, Desmideus had his ways with her and she fell in love, but he did not really care for her, although she was too blind with adoration to see that. When she had to go back home, she swore an oath that she would return so that they could 'finalise' their bond, whatever that means.

"This is Jayne Smith, she came from Aeolia with a gift from Duke Alfred, a white horse to be precise."

He leaned back on the pillar, "A white horse? Really, I ride a white horse everyday father, you ride a white horse every day, Pandora rides a white horse every day, we can buy a white horse on a whim, what's so special about a white horse?"

"You ungrateful child." He would've slapped his head if it wasn't resting on a pillar, "The duke himself granted his own horse as a gift." He had just told a bald-faced lie, not knowing if it was the Duke's own horse or if they had just bought a new one to give to him. But it's not like his son could disprove it, "Honestly, no wonder you have no friends."

"Now, it is courteous for you to try out your now gift, so why don't you go down to the stables and appreciate it."

"Uh." Desmideus groaned and flung himself off the pillar, "As you wish." He did a mocking bow and started to walk away,

"Take Jayne with you, she is going to be a new physician here." He turned his head to Jayne, signalling her to follow him.

She scurried after him, head down to not feel the King's glare.


The walk to the stables was pleasurable until he opened his mouth, "So, what brings you here to Telepylus."

A horse, she wanted to say, but she was too scared to humour him, not wanting to him to grow an interest in her, "Money." She said instead.

He chuckled, "Not very blunt, are we?"

I died and was reborn into an Otome game!? (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now