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You walked out of your room and walked into a room where Luigi and Peasly were.

"Hello my dear how are you?" Peasly asked. Luigi sighed.

"Are you ok Luigi?" You asked. He mumbled something.

"What?" You asked.

"Why are you flirting with Y/N all the time? She's my girlfriend." He said with slight anger in his voice.

"I'm jealous okay!" He said. The room was silent.

"Of me?" You asked quietly.

"Yes..." he sobbed. "I hate my royal status..."

You saw pain in their eyes.

"I'm so so sorry." Luigi said. "I know how much you wanted the relationship, but... it was forbidden."

"Wait... you two were..." you began to put the pieces together.

"Yes we were engaged." Luigi said pulling a small ring out of his pocket. Peasly did the same.

"My mother wanted it as well, but royal tradition says otherwise." Peasly said. He sighed.

"I'm fated to be married to her." Luigi said holding your hand.

"I know... just... dont forgot me... k?" Peasly said....

Chaos And Purity (Under Editing)(Mr. L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now