Chapter 3

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When Bjorn and Agnetha went to the hotel it was already past midnight. Agnetha asked if they had any free rooms.
-You must be lucky, we have just one left-answered the receptionist.
-Pity...-said the Bjorn and looked at Agnetha.
-Stop it-Agnetha poked Bjorn-I wouldn't have stayed in your room anyway.
-Here's your room key-said the receptionist and handed the card-it's room 78, right in front of Mr.Ulvaeus's.
-Thank you, god-said Bjorn, and looked up.
Bjorn and Agnetha went to their rooms, opened the doors and looked back at each other.
-Hey, do you want to grab a drink at the bar?-asked Bjorn.
-Thanks, but I prefer to get a good night's sleep, or I won't be looking good for the premiere.
-Okay, but promise me that you'll have breakfast with me.
-Promise... Good night Bjorn.
-Sweet dreams, Anna...
Agnetha closed the door. Bjorn stood there for several seconds with a smile on his face, then he also closed the door mumbling some things to himself.
Agnetha put on pajamas and went to bed. She slept while thinking about Bjorn and all the good days they had spent together when they were young. She missed him, he had been the one who always listened to her and only one who had made her laugh at the hardest times.
Suddenly the door of Agnetha's room opened and Bjorn stepped in, he caresses Agnetha's cheek. She opened her eyes.-Love-murmured Agnetha. Bjorn bent down and kissed Anna's eyes, then her cheeks and went to her lips. She kissed back. After a while, their kisses became more passionate and they started taking off each other's pieces of cloth. Bjorn went down to Agnetha's breasts, kissed and fondled each of them, then went up to her neck, while placing himself between her thighs. They made passionate love, calling each other's names. Agnetha was close to her orgasm when... she woke up. Someone was knocking on her door. She couldn't believe that she dreamt about something like this. She couldn't be having this kind of dreams. He wasn't her man anymore.
-Anna-Bjorn knocked on the door again.
-I'm coming-She called out and looked at her watch. It was already 2 pm. Agnetha put on her robe and went to the door, opened and there was standing Bjorn smiling.
-Wow! How do you do that? How can you be so beautiful when you just woke up?
-So you're aware that you woke me up-she turned a little red, remembering the dream.
-Yes, but you made me a promise. It might not be breakfast time anymore, but we're gonna have dinner together. You have 30 minutes. I'll be waiting downstairs in the restaurant.
-But Bjorn... 30 minutes is not...-Bjorn interrupted her
-No excuses. I'm gonna be waiting for you, Anna.-He said and went to the elevator.
Agnetha bit her lip and closed the door smiling. She took a shower. Put on her white wrap dress, that went down to her knee and went to the hotel restaurant, where she saw Bjorn waiting for her.
"Keep your distance Agnetha... Do not fall for him, again!" she said to herself, breath out and went to the table. Bjorn stood up and like a gentleman pulled a chair for her.
-You're very beautiful, Anna.
-Thanks, Bjorn. Should we order?
-Yes, sure.-he said and motioned to the waiter to come to their table, without even taking eyes off Agnetha.
They ordered food. They talked about their old ABBA days, remembered the fun stuff they did on tours. Bjorn, as always, made jokes to make Agnetha laugh.
-Anna, I really miss this-he placed his hand over her's on the table.-Being only two of us, together. Your sweet laugh, your deep blue eyes...Agnetha looked down and blushed.
-You're forgetting something... there is no "us" anymore.-Her phone rang-sorry, I have to take it, it's Linda. Bjorn let go of her hand. There was a real pain in his eyes. He had many doubts and regrets in his life. How could their lives change so quickly? How did they break apart that soon? He blamed himself for not trying more and he decided to tell Agnetha everything about his doubts. He couldn't handle all of this pain alone... and she was the only one who could understand. He wanted to ask her, why didn't she answered any of her letters, why did she send all of them back... only if she responded... they might have been a happy family as they used to be in the 70s.
-Goodbye, honey. I'm sending you the kisses. Yes, I'll tell your father you miss her. Bye.
-Is everything okay with Linda and kids?-asked Bjorn.
-Yes, she was just checking on me. I have to go to my room, get ready for the premiere.
-yeah, yeah me too.
They went to their rooms. Agnetha tried not to think about Bjorn and things he said, but she couldn't help it. If he really loved her, why didn't he wrote back, why didn't he answered any of her letters?
-Stop torturing yourself, Agnetha - she said to herself - he fell in love with Lena and she's the one he still loves.
Agnetha started getting ready for the premiere. She put on her long black dress that hugged her body and accentuated her curves and velvet suit. She had just finished getting ready when heard Bjorn knocking on the door and calling for her.
-I'm ready, I'm ready-she opened the door and Bjorn stood there with his mouth open.-let I guess: I'm very beautiful.
-No, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
-Knock it off, Bjorn. You shouldn't be saying these kinds of things to me, you're the married man.
- I'm trying to forget that... Okay, no time for that. Let's go.
They went to the premiere. Agnetha tried to stay away from Bjorn and not hold hands, but when they stood next to each other, Bjorn always held her waist. At those moments she felt a little weak in her legs and bit her lower lip.
For the whole show, Bjorn held Agnetha's hand. When the song "Winner Takes It All" started, they looked at each other with tears in their eyes... Both of them knew, that there was no winner. They equally struggled from the heartbreak.
At the end of the show, they went on the stage holding hands, took some pictures, tasked with the actors and signed the autographs.
It was already midnight when they got to the hotel.
-Good night-said Agnetha.
-Good night-said Bjorn-Actually, would you mind talking for a while, we can also drink a little bit of wine.
-I don't mind it at all. Come in- Agnetha invited Bjorn inside of her room.
Agnetha went to the bar and grabbed wine, while Bjorn grabbed glasses and snacks. They went on the balcony and sat next to each other, drinking the wine and watching the view.
-Anna-Bjorn broke the silence-why have you been sending all of my letters back to me? Why didn't you answer any of them? Did you hate me so much that I didn't deserve the answer?
-I did what?!-said Agnetha shocked.

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