Chapter 4

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At school the next day, Y/n was very quiet. Gauze covered both of her arms, and her cheek had a large bandage on it. The whole day, she could hear people whispering about it, but she didn't pay any attention. She didn't even talk to Nene, who was obviously worried.

It wouldn't matter anymore. Soon, the pain would be over.

After school, instead of going home, Y/n went up to the roof, gazing at the view from there. How pretty... what a perfect place to end it all.

Y/n went to the railing, and stepped over it. She looked down at the ground below her, wondering how long it would take to reach it.

She closed her eyes, turning her face up towards the sun. It was warm and comforting, making Y/n smile slightly. She felt at peace with herself. After all, she would die here, right now, and no one would miss her. She could leave without any regrets.

One step... Y/n sighed and let herself fall.

Something grabbed her wrist. Y/n stopped with a jolt, forcing her eyes open. The ground was still far beneath her. What had stopped her?

Y/n turned her head, but before she could see clearly, she was lifted up and brought over the railing. She was set down gently on the floor.

"Why did you do that?" A boyish voice asked. Y/n looked up in surprise.

"You..." She breathed. "You're the ghost from before..." The apparition standing before her smiled, looking happy but a little puzzled.

"Yup." he said, his voice chipper. "Now answer my question. Why did you do that?" Y/n looked over at the railing, trying to think through what had just happened.

"I..." She trailed off, realizing something.

She wasn't free. She would have to go home to her abusive mother. She was already an hour late, so the punishment would be fierce.

"Why are you crying?" The boy startled her out of her thoughts. Y/n hadn't realized she was crying.

"Sorry..." She said quietly, reaching up to wipe her eyes. Suddenly, her wrists were grabbed by the boy.

"No, don't." He said, looking at her intently. "It's pretty. The tears, I mean. The way they sparkle... they're like tiny crystals..." He smiled again, and became lost in thought. He released Y/n's wrists.

Then, he zoned back in. "Anyway, why are you crying? You really aren't good at answering my questions." He looked her dead in the eye, an amused expression on his young face.

"I-" Y/n started, but before she could say anything, the boy grabbed one of her arms. He unwrapped the gauze to reveal the straight cuts that were still bleeding slightly. He looked at them for a long time.

"Are you crying because they hurt?" He asked, looking back up at Y/n. She shook her head, mystified at what he was doing. He looked a little confused.

"Hmm, I don't know what it could be, then." He said thoughtfully. "What is it?"

"Uh-" She started again.

"Wait wait wait, I think I know!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Is it because I stopped you from falling? But why would you be sad about that?"


"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." The boy was suddenly very close to Y/n's face. "I'm Tsukasa Yugi. Call me Tsukasa, though."

"Um, okay...?" Y/n said nervously, feeling her face heat up. Tsukasa's eyes widened.

"Woah..." He moved back a little. "Your face... it's really pretty... did you know that?" He was back to being chipper. "You're really pretty. But it's especially pretty right now. The color is beautiful. Anyway, what's your name?"

Y/n had no idea how to reply. What was this boy's train of thought?

"Um, I'm Y/n L/n..." She said slowly. Tsukasa smiled broadly.

"Nice to meet ya!" He got up and floated into the air, spinning in a circle. "I think we're gonna be good friends!" Y/n looked up at him in confusion.

"Wait, Tsukasa-san-" She began, but wasn't able to finish. Suddenly, Tsukasa was right there again, his arm around her waist and his other hand intertwined with hers. His face was inches from hers, a serious expression on it.

"I told you, it's just Tsukasa." He said in her ear, causing a shiver to go down her spine. "Don't be so formal with me, okay?"

"O-okay..." Y/n stuttered, flustered and confused. Her face felt like it was on fire. Then, smiling, Tsukasa let go of her, letting her wobble for a moment before regaining her balance.

"Now, why don'tcha go on home?" He suggested brightly. "Your family's probably worried about you!" 

Family... Y/n suddenly remembered why she had been crying. She sank to the ground, her arms folded against her body. 

"I...I can't go back..." She whimpered, feeling clammy. Mom was at home... mom would hurt her... mom hated her...

An arm wrapped around her shoulders. She looked up, directly into the face of Tsukasa. He had a solemn expression on his face.

"I don't really get it..." He said quietly. "But you seem sad about that, so you can come with me, okay?" Y/n looked at him in surprise, which quickly morphed into hope.

"Really?" She said, not believing it. She wouldn't have to go home...

Then, she saw the look on the ghost boy's face.

Then, she saw the look on the ghost boy's face

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Hey, sorry it was kinda long!

I enjoyed making this chapter, to be honest, and I'm excited for the next one. Kind of tired, tho, so...

Next chapter coming soon!

The Color of Blush ~ A Tsukasa x Reader Fanfiction ~ Toilet Bound Hanako-KunWhere stories live. Discover now