4. A little Much?

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Kaden POV: 

"Do you want to come over to mine?" Albert asked.

"S-sure" I said a bit shocked that Albert was allowing someone he just met to go to his house. I was curious to know more about Albert too though so as we walked through the park to his house I thought of some questions I could ask him. 

"Hey, Albert..." I said looking at him.

"What's up?" He said smiling at me.

"N-nevermind, it w- nevermind" I said blushing, I hated this so much. I was planning on asking him if he was single or not but got distracted by his smile.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Um...y-you don't have to answer t-the question b-but are you s-single?" I said silently cursing at myself for blabbering and asking personal questions.

"I don't know...my girlfriend, or who I think is my girlfriend, is acting different...as if she doesn't want to be around me anymore...So yes I guess? I don't know...I want to break up with her but I don't want to get yelled at or hurt..." He looked down sadly.

Damnit Kaden think! Say something! 

"I'm sorry about that, Albert" I said taking my hand of his waist and grabbing his hand, squeezing it tightly to hopefully comfort him. 

"Thanks" he said, smiling and biting his lip.

Albert POV:

I hardly noticed when we arrived at my house because I was so caught up with Kaden, after he took my hand in his I didn't let go. It was comforting to know someone cared about me like this, but also reminded me of when me and Kirsten were like this. I debated taking my hand away before while we were walking but the effect gave a comforting feeling and I felt like myself again. 

-timeskip to inside the house in Albert's room-

"This is my monitor and computer which I play Roblox on and my beds over there....Ignore the Sonic costume, trust me you don't wanna know" I said pointing things out to Kaden. 

"Wow..." was all he said looking around my room.

"Sit down, you look tired" I said noticing Kaden rubbing his eyes and taking off his glasses. I never noticed how beautiful his eyes were without glasses.

"T-thanks, I didn't ge- WOAH!"

I'm not sure how it happened or what happened all I know is that Kaden went to sit on my chair but slipped and fell, but me being the dumbass I am tried to stop him from falling but just made it worse. I had yarn on my desk that belonged to Jeremy for their sowing, red yarn, to be specific. I tried to catch myself on my desk but my hand slipped on the yarn ball and fell on both of us. The red string was everywhere, we were pretty much tangled. I groaned as everything came back into vision. I realized I became a human landing pad for Kaden. His hips were aligned with mine and he was laying on my chest...I'm pretty sure his legs were spread across my torso-crotch area and I could feel his thighs moving to sit himself up. When Kaden was up it made if slightly worse....He was sitting just above my crotch and I moaned at the sudden movment, he put his hand on my chest to hold himself up and continued to rub his eyes. He moved his leg but this time he moaned instead of me. We'll shit. 

"H-hey Kaden" I said smiling at him offering a small wave. 

Kaden POV:


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