The day the Oni was Born

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-Sebastian's pov-

I woke up super early for today me and Papa are going to farm tomatoes and other veggies
I ran to my dresser and ripped off my clothes before putting on my favorite green dress mama made for me along with my apron

People in the village think it's weird  that me and mama wear both gender of clothes but I used to feel insecure about it since the kids of our village used to tease me and call me an okama or a sissy for wearing pretty dresses then wear boy clothes for fun but I didn't think it would hurt because i just wanted to be their friend but they would throw rocks at me and call me mean names but I never told mama or papa until one day

Papa was taking tomato's to mable-baasan and Misashi-jiji   then he saw me crying  on the road with a cut on my forehead  as the kids pointed and laughed  at me

I'm pretty sure papa scared them away by breaking his scythe  in half to intimidate them while saying" it's not nice to hurt others especially my child who has a right to wear what ever makes them comfortable do you understand children " with a deep voice  they ended up running away calling him a monster

I stood there with tears in my eyes bubbling sorry that im weird and I just wanna be free to be myself

Papa leaned down on his knees whipping my tears and dabbing his handkerchief from off his head  then wrapping it onto my head for comfort

"It's ok sundown don't feel like that. I think your a cutie with or without masculine or feminine clothes they are cloths, your an Amazing person no matter what you make urself who you are not what you wear or what you look your sundown you're a shining sun bright in the sky going down into the ocean. Your mother and I's child you are free to be who ever you want pirate or no pirate boy or girl or anything u want to call yourself we will love you forever and always my Sundown " he says while smiling as I cried harder

"Papa I wanna be like you and Mama and Our Family I love you all so much I love chu all more your all my treasure" I say sobbing and hugging him

That was months ago

I was super happy because I'm a big person now since today is my birthday so Mama and Papa started training me when we left Roguetown, I'm now 5 years old and Goldy-nii left home to travel the world I hope he is ok but he did teach me new moves that mama showed him I'm sure he will be ok.

Mama had taught him many things but since her health wasn't the best they trained for two years and recently at the beginning of the year Goldy-nii decided he needed to make a name for himself but he helped me make a sword that papa promised to show me how but I wasn't ready since papa put it in a safe place but I did learn how to do the basics thanks to mama and papa but mama thought it would be to risky having it around our small village since I think it became a cursed sword for some reason

Papa started farming again after we left during Baba's death I can't help but miss him very much even though  I was smaller but how could I forget captain Baba he showed me how to be a strong man like Papa and protecting everyone and I was hoping to find any clues of Robin-neechan but nothing still papa and mama explained to me that something had happened to papas home that it was gone and that Robin was hiding from the bad people like we are.

You see Papa started teaching me how to read the big rocks that papa told me never to tell unless it's absolutely necessary to Nakama such as people I trust with my life. And he taught me so much including mama she is teaching me how to cast illusions and how to make medicine, clothes, and even hunting if anything changes in the environment of any island. She likes to help me out with my wooden swords that she helped me make when I was 4 it was super awesome I love them so much.

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