Part 8

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At the party

Willow: Wow, lots of people!

Derra: Yeah! 

Willow POV: I wonder where Zero is?

Greg (Co-worker): Hi, you must be Willow!

Willow: Yes I am.

Greg: You ok? You don't look ok.

Willow: Nah, I'm fine.

Greg: O-ok

Mark (Co-worker): Hey Willow!

Willow: Oh, hi!

Mark: Are you okay?

Willow: ......

Mark: Hello?

Willow: Well, I'm just worried about Zero. I haven't seen him lately.

Mark: Same. Well bye!

Willow: B-bye!

Derra: Hmm... nah!

Willow: I will get some food, can you watch Alex?

Derra: Sure! Wait, where is Alex?!

Willow: Alex!?

With Alex

Alex POV: ooh, This is nice!

Alex: Mommy, this is pretty! Wait, mommy!


Zero POV: UGh! I'm late! Wait, there is a boy. I'll go check him out.

Zero: Hey, what's wrong?

Alex: I can't find my mommy.

Zero: I can help you! I'm Zero.

Alex: Thanks Mr. Zero!

Zero: No problem, now let's find your mom!

With Willow

Willow: Alex! Alex come to mommy!!!!

Alex: Mommy! I'm here!

Willow: Thank god! Your okay!

Alex: Sorry I ran off mommy

Willow: It's okay!

Zero POV: Wait, that's Alex!? She has a son!?

Alex: Mommy, Mr. Zero helped me.

Zero: Hi Bunny!

Willow: Wait, you helped him!?

Zero: Yes. 

Willow: Thank you so much!

Zero: Np!

Zero: Um, I didn't know he was your son.

Willow: Well um, after I left you I was pregnant. When I met you again, I didn't want to tell you we had a kid because I thought you be mad. So, yeah.

Zero: I didn't notice that. Well after you left me, the girl on my phone was my mother. I still love you. 

Willow: I-I love you 


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