Charlie Conway

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"Are you sure we should be doing this?" She asked him. 

"Yeah, we did this a lot when we were young." He assured her.

She wasn't too sure about this, but followed him anyhow. Ivy had no idea what she was getting herself into. She knew that Charlie meant well, but there were times he liked to put himself out there. He was currently dealing with a breakup from Linda, who he met in freshmen year. Those two had worked out, up until Linda began to have feelings for someone else and she couldn't lead Charlie on.

Ivy was simply a friend, who happened to be his former coach's daughter, and they'd known each other since they were ten. Ivy had went to the Junior Games, she remained in the stands as a fan and she didn't watch practices. She simply went to the Games since her father was there, not for hockey, the team, or anything else.

Charlie was doing one of his harmless pranks, but since none of his buddies were up for a prank or were busy with other things, Ivy got stuck hanging around with Charlie. She didn't quite mind bumming around with the boy, however, she did not want to get into trouble. If she did, her father would have to come down from LA to speak with her and if she didn't something wrong a second time, she would be pulled from Eden Hall and placed into a school in LA.

Ivy waited on the sidewalk, leaning against the side of one of the street shops, crossed arms and hood over her head as it was a little colder out on that spring day. She watched as Charlie had drawn on the side of a few cars that were parked alongside the road. She couldn't believe that a fifteen year old kid was drawing on dirty cars.

"Charlie." She whispered yelled, leaning away from the building when she noticed a middle aged man walking from across the street, keys in hand and the car Charlie was drawing on had the lights go off as it was unlocked. "Charlie!" She whispered yelled again.

"Hey!" The man called, opening his car trunk when he noticed Charlie drawing in the dust on the side of his car. 

"Uh oh." Charlie got up, running down the street. 

The man set his groceries down on the top of his car trunk and then bolted after Charlie, who ran off in the opposing direction of Ivy. Shaking her head, she turned and ran down the street in the opposing direction of him, wanting to make her way in the same direction as Charlie would. As she came to the street end where the four way stop was, she could see Charlie running still and the man had stopped for a car to go. 

"Keep going!" He hollered. "To 9th!" He cupped his hands over his mouth. She directed herself towards the directions given and ran off. She was not an athlete and she could only run for so long before she lost her breath from not building up a cardio like other people, such as Charlie.

When she arrived to 9th, Charlie ran by her and took her arm, pulling her along. She followed behind him, but had soon let her arm go from his hand since she couldn't keep up. Ivy still followed behind him a short few feet and when Charlie had cut down an alley, she followed. They came out the alley and went down a few streets before Charlie stopped inside another alley.

He had quickly thrown his JV jacket off and hid it behind the dumpster inside the alley. Ivy walked around and punched his shoulder a few times, telling him he was better than that and now he was caught and she was wrapped up into his entire dilemma. Charlie thought quickly, he could hear the guy yelling and he was getting closer.

"Ugh, quick, give me your glasses from your pocket." He thought quickly and she pulled them out from the case with shaky hands. He put them on and he looked at her. "Follow my lead." 

With her coat open, he grasped the two sides with one hand and pulled her coat shut, pushing her against the side of the brick building. "You're not gonna make me do this, are you?" She asked.

"Just do it. A minute, not even." He turned her head back and looked to her.

She mustered up some courage and got into a 'lovey' mood to help her friend out. He closed the gap between them quickly and she knew to begin acting. Bringing a hand up and around his neck, she closed the gap even more as their lips connected. She made some fake moan sounds to make it look more real. Charlie's hand travelling down to her hip slowly.

Ivy's other hand moving his hand away as she was uncomfortable and she kissed him back passionately, something she'd never really done before. Charlie's other hand had been placed to her jaw and she held him close to her as they kissed.

The man stopped at the alley when he heard moaning. He had briefly seen Ivy, but didn't get a long glimpse of her to know what she looked like other than she was a girl. He was focused on finding Charlie, a boy who was wearing a red Varsity jacket. However, the boy kissing the girl in the alley had a brown hoodie on with glasses and he was making out with some girl. The guy knew that wasn't Charlie, so he sighed and kept going, ushering down the street some more.

When Ivy couldn't hear the footsteps anymore, she stopped and pushed Charlie back, wiping her face from their kissing. She'd kissed someone before and she thought they were a good kisser, that was until she kissed Charlie, which was never planned or even thought of.

Charlie walked away, grabbing his jacket again and pulled it on, he took Ivy's glasses off which made his eyes go crazy. He was glad his eyes were closed the entire time or else he would've went crazy a little sooner. Ivy fixed her jacket and opened her glasses's case, setting them inside after he passed them to her.

As they walked out of the alley, she looked over to him with narrowed eyes. "What a brilliant plan, Genius." She spoke sarcastically. "Maybe next time, your prank will be more thought over."

"Hey, I got us out of it." He stopped her.

"You didn't even ask if I was all right with your stupid plan." She scoffed.

"Ivy, come on, it was nothing." He told her.

She stopped and shook her head, walking back over to him. "Maybe for you, sure, but to me."

"Iv," He sighed and looked over to her. "Look, I'm sorry. I was just trying to get us out of it. I didn't think it would be a big deal 'cause we're friends'n'all."

She bit her lip before pulling her collar of her jacket back to it's spot. "Next time, ask first. It's embarrassing enough that my father dated your mother and now you kissed me." She told him. "Let's go, you got practice and I got homework." 

"There she is." He smiled and joined her, apologizing again.

Ivy wasn't going to forgive him that easily and of course that kiss was totally awesome, but she was not going to admit that to him. It was true, she was a little embarrassed about her dad and his mom being something. But what was awkward was their kiss, because her dad had kissed him mom, and to her, that didn't feel right at all. She didn't like Charlie that way at all, she liked Adam Banks, but the boy was shy as it was and she was very out there.

"I bet Linda would be so jealous right now if she saw that."

"I'm sure she would." She answered.

Charlie went on and on about how he liked Linda and did all these things for her. Yet, she just left him for someone else and he was thankful she didn't cheat, but hell, losing to another guy sucked. Ivy endured listening to Charlie all the way back to Eden Hall Academy, a long walk back it was.

𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓓𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now