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Y/N woke up feeling a little tired but for the most part fine. She looked around to see Mark, but no sight of him. She felt cold as a breeze hit her naked body as she pulled off the comforters. She bared through it and walked towards the bathroom. She went to go hop in the shower but she was stopped at the sound of the shower running. She went to walk to the other bathroom until she heard the shower turn off. She grabbed a towel and started walking towards the door. She tried to grab the handle but it turned right as she was about to hold the handle. She looked up, anticipating Mark Tuan's face, but instead she saw Jinyoung's face. "Jinyoung?" Y/N said with a shocked expression. Jinyoung looked into Y/N's eyes which were sparkling with tears. Jinyoung looked down with a smile on his face and embraced Y/N. Jinyoung looked down at the 5'0" girl with passion in his eyes. Y/N saw this too and played along. Strangely enough Y/N didn't want Jinyoung though. All she wanted was Mark Tuan. That's all she could think about, Mark Tuan. She didn't want to make it obvious that she didn't have much care for the old man so she started flirting with him with her eyes. Jinyoung took this message and applied it differently. He scooped Y/N up and carried her bridal style to the nearest bedroom. Jinyoung started getting erect after taking one of his erection pills an hour prior. Once more his 2 in became a 5 in. He started licking Y/N's clit. He devoured the young girl like no tomorrow. Y/N felt the pleasure go through her body, but then remembered about the night before with Mark. She had to stop her oral pleasure midway through. She sat on the bed nervously and still. Jinyoung got up visibly soft now. "I don't feel so good. Something doesn't feel right." Y/N claimed looking a little ill. Jinyoung had a look on his face, "I'll be back." Jinyoung said. 2 minutes passed, Jinyoung's foot steps could be heard. Jinyoung walked in the room with a stack of papers. He handed them to Y/N carefully. Y/N flipped through the thick stack of papers to find that she was pregnant! "T-this is the real reason why bang Si Hyuk held you captive. He somehow knew you were pregnant and was going to kill or take the baby for himself." Jinyoung said. Y/N looked at Jinyoung with widened eyes. "I-I'm going to be a mom?!" she stumbled. Jinyoung lightly nodded. Y/N didn't want to look disappointed but it was clear that she was. "I have to go back to see Bang Si Hyuk soon. I'll be back tomorrow." Jinyoung hurriedly said. Y/N nodded and watched Jinyoung leave. She went to go put on some comfortable clothes after hearing the 'big' news. Mark walked in, to see Y/N looking at her stomach while slouched on the couch and listening to Spongebob. "Y/N are you alright? Does your stomach hurt?" Mark questioned. Y/N shook her head no, "I'm gonna be a mom... and that's why Bang Si Hyuk wanted me dead or something like that" she mumbled. Mark looked at her with his eyes widened. "I will do anything to help our baby." He said as he put his hand on Y/N's stomach. Y/N shook her head no once more, "You're not the dad. It's Jinyoung's" Y/N mumbled once more. Mark was more shocked than before. "J-jinyoung's?!" Mark yelled. Y/N nodded her head lightly. That made Mark speechless. "Well I'll do anything to provide for you and the baby. Don't worry I will not leave you alone in a time like this." Mark said, hands still on Y/N's stomach. Y/N became a little teary eye. She mouthed the words 'thank you' to Mark and continued to observe her stomach. 

-Time Skip-

Mark was helping Y/N as much as possible. If she wanted some water, he would get it for her. If she was cold, he would get her a blanket. She was head over heels for this man. She thought that their 11 year age gap would cause a fork in the road, but it absolutely didn't. She respected her family friend a lot more differently than before. "Let's run away together." you said quietly, Mark widened his eyes in shock. "We have to hurry before Jinyoung comes back!" Y/N yelled. They hurriedly packed their bags with only the essentials. They ran to the car and Mark started the car up, ready to go.  Y/N ran to the car. "Let's go!" Mark said, setting on the peddle. 

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