⠀( ₀₂₁ )⠀⠀BATTLE ON ⑵

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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( icy winds )


fun fact #19 ; her favourite hero of all
time, she can't decide between all might,
her parents, hawks or miruko.






"Thanks for waiting! Next up is.. these guys! He's good! He's good, but what's with that plainness he just can't get rid of? From the hero course, it's Hanta Sero! Verus! Taking third, then first in the prelims! You're way too strong, kid! He wasn't recommended from admission for nothing! Also from the hero course, it's Shouto Todoroki!"

He was in a good mood, truly, since Kourin had gone and visited him before his match, kissed his cheek as a good luck before she left. Seeing his scum of a father put a damper on things and he was filled with nothing but rage at the moment. I'll win, only using my mother's side.

"And now, for the second match of the finals.. Ready.. Start!"

Sero was quick to act, as soon as the final word left Present Mic's lips, tape shot out from his elbows and wrapped around the half and half boy, trying to fling the his opponent out of bounds. Watch me win, Koucchan.

"A surprise attack aimed to push his opponent out of bounds! Don't you think that was the best choice for this situation?! Seriously, get him Sero!"

A frightening look appeared in Todoroki's eyes as he mumbled an apology before he used his feet to freeze the ground and in less than a second the ice made its way over to the black haired boy, creating a burst of ice that shook the entire stadium. He was angry and his attack reflected it when he excessively froze Sero inside a giant wave of ice that left the entire stadium frozen. And the tape that was wrapped around him had frozen which made it easy for him to break out of.

Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida's eyes widened as their mouths gasped open. They all held their hands up, backing away from the ice that as near their face. Kourin placed her hand on the ice in front of her and closed her eyes. Sho, what happened..?

𝙌𝙐𝙄𝙍𝙆𝙎.⠀( boku no hero academia )Where stories live. Discover now