29 - Return

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Sitting down in the first empty compartment they see, they make themselves comfortable and pull out their books before they were interrupted by the tirade of their friends - Draco hadn't really considered them 'friends' yet, but it was whatever Hermione wanted at this point.

"I think I'm going to take a bit of a nap, wake me up when they get here?" Hermione asks before getting comfortable and putting her book away. 

"I'm sure you'll know when they're here...they're quite loud." He smirks and continues reading his book for half an hour until he hears the annoying voice of Ron Weasley, causing him to close his book and open the compartment door so they knew he and Hermione were occupying one already.

"Hermione and I already have a compartment, come on in." He sighs, thankfully Pansy was with them so he wouldn't feel as awkward in such a small space with them

"So...how did the proposal go? You two didn't come to visit us after..." Ginny asks pointedly

"We figured everyone already knew. Hermione said that you're horrible at keeping secrets." He tells her awkwardly

"I am not!" Ginny shrieks

"You really are Gin. You told everyone." Harry says, pulling them into the compartment so they aren't blocking everyone who was trying to enter the train.

"You were right. They did wake me up. Did you know you lot are extremely loud? And it was just the two of you talking...imagine the other two. Godric." Hermione laughs, sitting up in her seat and making room for everyone else

"So let's see that ring, Hermione. I'll show you mine too" Pansy says excitedly, taking a quick seat next to Hermione

Shocked by Pansy's enthusiasm, Hermione shows Pansy her left hand, wiggling it a little bit so it shined in the light, earning the same movement from Pansy

"It's lovely, Draco. Good choice." Pansy smiles, moving from her seat to sit across from Ron so Draco could sit next to Hermione

"So...when's the wedding?" Ginny asks the pair

"Not for a while...we just got engaged two days ago, Gin. Honestly...Have you four picked dates?"

"I think Harry and I have decided on February twentieth." Ginny tells them all excitedly

"We've decided on April...but haven't chosen an actual day yet." Ron tells them

"Wait! I want to hear all about your engagement!" Hermione smiles, nudging Draco a bit

"He proposed on Christmas. I almost killed him for it." Pansy starts, slapping Ron on the arm, and then launches into the story of how she at first said no, telling him to redo it on a different day, and how she had ignored him for a full two hours, having him follow her wherever she went until she got annoyed with his incessant asking and following...and the fact that she just wanted that stupid little ring on her finger...it was exactly her and she loved it.

She still got her revenge on him for proposing on Christmas though, and planted a few of her favourite Weasley Wizard Wheezes in some of his supper that night...he was a complete and utter mess the entire night.
And it was so worth it.

"I didn't know that proposing on Christmas was a no-no! I thought it would be romantic!" Ron says, trying to defend himself

"You are so lucky I love you." She sighs, leaning into his side a bit

Hermione's heart jumped at the thought that everyone in this compartment was in love...except for her and Draco...they just fancied each other...a lot. She wondered when she would be in love with him...when he would be in love with her.

Surely by the time they were married? Definitely...they had to be. It would come soon. Love isn't something you can force. She just had to be patient.

"'Mione! I'm trying to ask you a question...how many kids do you want?" Ginny asks

"Probably just one...why? I already know you want three, Gin."

"I'm just making conversation, Godric. Pansy said two...if you were wondering." Ginny says sassily

"There's gonna be so many kids at Hogwarts in eleven years...they didn't really think that through. How are they possibly going to control that many magical children? I know they wanted to get the population back up, but there's going to be a huge influx of children being brought into the world." Hermione says

"Oh shit...I didn't think of that either. They might even have to add more dormitories since there will be so many. Maybe someone should bring that up to Shacklebolt..." Harry says, deep in thought

"He probably did think of it...he just didn't care." Draco points out and they all come to the conclusion that that was probably what had actually happened

Making small talk the rest of the way and messing about with a few treats took up the rest of the train ride before they arrived back at Hogwarts station to go back to the castle aboard the thestrals and carriages.

Arriving back at Hogwarts, Draco, and Hermione are immediately found by Headmaster McGonagall.

"Good. We were seriously in need of a head girl and head boy last term but I didn't appoint any because of our little school predicament...but now that everything has settled down, I would like you two to take on the roles of Head Boy and Head Girl. I'm sure you know the terms of your new roles. Here are your badges. If you would follow me I would like to introduce you to someone." McGonagall says, handing them two pins and walking off in the opposite direction, not even giving them time to process the new information and their new roles

Hermione glanced at Draco, who shrugged and clipped his badge to his robes as she did the same, he then grabbed her hand and pulled her along to catch up with the Headmaster who was quite quick and light on her feet for an older woman.

"Uh...Headmaster? Who are we meeting?" Hermione asks as they catch up to her

"For the first time, Hogwarts has a transfer student. She came from Ilvermorny and the sorting hat has placed her into Ravenclaw. Seeing as you two are now Head Boy and Head Girl, I would like you to give her a quick tour around the castle and answer any and all questions she may have after supper." She says, stopping in front of the oak door with the knocker in the shape of a griffin that led up to her office, where this new student had probably been waiting

"Her name is Alexandra, she is a seventh year and has not been placed with a future husband, as she is from America. The daft law only applied to Europe. So she will be quite alone I am afraid. Please make her feel welcome." McGonagall says before giving the password - fuzzy wuzzy - and heading up to her office where Alexandra waited

Not edited.
Aight. Life sucked last week, but it's whatever...it's a new week and I updated during my update times lolol (lol sorry I'm updating at 4:30...I woke up...finished this and was like screw it...I'm sure some of you are awake somewhere lolol)
Anyway...you're all about to meet Alexandra! I might change her name lol (I named her after a friend so her name is pronounced Alex-on-dra) I'm super excited for what's to come!
Sorry this is a shorter update. I think next weeks will be decently longer so woot woot
Keep reading, voting, and commenting!
Much love,
Shelby xx

2023 Shelby here!

I don't particularly like this part of the plot line now that I think about it but that would be a HUGE rewrite so I'm gonna leave it. It's not the WORST, it just ages this and my writing. but oh well. it's a major plot point so we shall leave it and it causes so much trouble...

I'm hoping it won't be as bad as I remember it. 

Lmao life still sucks three and a half years later!! Found out I might need knee surgery!! As a 21 year old that's literally so horrible for me!!!

k bye I'll keep editing! 

Shelby xx

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