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It hurts.
It really...really hurts.
My entire body feels like it's been run over and drenched in acid. My lungs burn. Every nerve ending in my body is on fire. How am I still alive?! After over a week of this suffering...
With great reluctance, I open my eyes and hiss in pain. Ren is still here. I'm surprised he didn't abandon me or just kill me already. Then again, why would he kill me after going through all this trouble of—as he puts it—my 'purification'. Whatever the hell that means.
All I know is that I'm in a lot of fucking pain constantly. It never ends. I wish I was dead. It would be a lot less painful.
"How is it? Still unbearable?"
Is that sarcasm or actual concern in his voice? I swallow a few times, still acidic and the metallic tang of blood still resides in every taste. "It's...manageable." With great reluctance. It hurts to talk. My vocal cords are still recovering from him slitting my throat.
"You've been recovering nicely. By tomorrow you should be fully healed and the tracking device has been deactivated and removed. The poison is almost fully flushed from your system."
"H-how...did I survive this?" I ask carefully. Most of the time I've been completely out of it. There's no telling what all the vamp has done to me in my delirious state. Can't be any worse than my mate, however.
Ren hesitates a bit and it makes me instantly on alert. What has he done?
"It's a bit...well..."
"Tell me." I demand, needing to know.
"I gave you something to help speed up the process."
My eyes flash to his face. His expression hasn't changed at all. It really doesn't comfort me. "What something?"
Lips twitching into an uncharacteristic smile, he hums. "Blood."
I immediately gag. "You gave me your blood?!"
"Of course not!" He looks disgusted at the thought. "I gave you some of Taehyung's blood. It combatted the poison and that's what's flushing your system. His life essence is very strong, you see."
"And...how did you manage to get his blood?" I find it very hard to believe he just asked for it or Tae freely gave it for me.
"It's a secret. No need to worry." He glances out of the window. It's dark outside. "We should return soon. I'd hate to keep him waiting any longer."
"I'm not going back. After all the trouble I've suffered to be free of him and his influential hold on me. I didn't survive this stupid shit he put inside me to control me only to go crawling back!"
He sighs. "And Jinhyun?"
I hesitate. My son. I don't want to abandon him. I can't and yet...I can't go back. I can't see Taehyung again. No...I have to find another way...
"I can't..."
He studies my determined face. "Alright then. I will be leaving this evening.I will let Taehyung know you are here. The car will stay here. When you recover...if you choose to leave indefinitely that will be your ultimate choice. I won't come back for you. I've done all I can for you."
I slowly sit up, panting. "I don't know why you did this to help me but...thank you, Ren."
He shakes his head. "Don't thank me. If I were really merciful I would have just killed you." And with that, he grabs his bag and leaves the room, locking the door firmly behind him.
I lay back down and think of what to do. Will Taehyung come after me and drag me back when Ren tells him my whereabouts? Will he not care and just let me be? What should I do?
The pain is finally starting to fully recede. I'll make my final decision in the morning. Surely I'll have that much time.

     I wake up cold. Shivering and yet sweating at the same time. The pain is officially gone just like Ren said. Thank god.
    Shuddering in a deep breath, I open my eyes and try to see through the darkness of the room.
     I'm not alone.
     I cut my eyes to the right and barely make out a body sitting on the edge of my bed. I know who it is. I knew better than to let myself wait and procrastinate.
     Slowly, I sit up without a word.
     "Are you ready to return home now? Has that little tantrum finally receded? Rather childish, don't you think, to run from your responsibilities." His voice is low and very calm in the dark.
     I'm numb. I don't know what to feel about Kim Taehyung. "Why should I go back? Besides Jinhyun...is there anything there for me?"
     "I suppose not. And if you leave me? Where will you go, Jin? Who will love you and put up with all your insecurities and childish outbursts and tantrums? If not me then who?" He glances down at me. There is no anger or arrogance in his face for once from what I can see.
     He looks...almost melancholy.
     It makes me upset for some reason.
     "I don't need anyone. I can take care of myself." 
     He chuckles softly. "No you can't. You need someone to need you, to cherish you, to want you. You detest me because I both give you what you need yet still deny you what you really want and crave."
     "And what is that?" Mocking almost. I'm tired of him analyzing me. I'm not that predictable, right? He doesn't know me inside and out.
     He fully turns his body to face me, his eyes roaming over me with an intensity that brings back far too many memories. Some good, some bad. Mostly bad. I think. I want them to be bad. I don't want to miss them. Would that make me just as bad as him?
     "Jin, love, don't you like the games we play? I'm the only one that can or will ever truly understand your heart and soul. The only one that will remain by your side when your selfishness is exposed. I let you let it out. You don't have to hide yourself with me. I take it all in stride and do you know why?"
     "W-why?" I have to clear my throat.
     His hand shoots out to caress my face. It feels strange, airy almost. Barely there. "Because you and I are the same. We just want someone to know and understand us. To accept us and our faults fully. We just want companionship."
     "I thought you didn't need anyone."
     He's silent so long I think he's not going to answer me. When he finally opens his mouth I have to strain my ears to ear him. "I need you."
     My heart thrums painfully in my chest and I clutch it, pleading for it to stop. I don't miss him. I can't. I won't. He's evil. He's manipulative. He's messing with my head.
     Lips parting, I can't get anything to come out. He's not...completely wrong.
     He grasps my hand, staring down at them as he laces our fingers together. "I have come to the realization that I prefer to have you by my side versus another. I've grown attached to you and you alone, my love."
     "You're lying."
     "Do you think so?"
     "You have no emotions. You're a hollow shell of pure devious intent."
     His light chuckle surrounds me, making me shiver. "Perhaps. But of course I have emotions. I just bury them deep and drown them out. Somehow you have been able to resurrect them, though. It makes me...uncomfortable, to say the least." He frowns.
     "Won't you come home, Jin?"
     "I don't think I've ever heard you say my name so many times and without malice or sarcasm." I admit, perplexed. He can't be telling me the truth, right? There can't be any real sincerity in him.
     "I like your name. I like saying it. I just don't like you hearing me say it." He admits.
     "Why not?"
     "Because you like it too much and I enjoy denying you." He chuckles, using his thumb to caress my bottom lip. His eyes focus on it as he licks his lips. He doesn't lean in for a kiss, though. He doesn't touch me much at all.
     "You're very cruel."
     "And you are not? Look what you've done to me. Come and take responsibility for it. I'm yours and yours alone to deal with. Wouldn't we both prefer it that way?" He pauses, looking away. "I will not force you to return to my side but in turn—should you choose to leave me...I will have your friend take your place. I need someone by my side and if you truly aren't willing to be that sacrifice...then I must move on."
     My entire body freezes at his words. "Friend? You mean—"
     "Hoseok. That little wolf. I will mate him and claim him, breaking our bond and forming a new one with him. I'd rather remain with you but I'm giving you a choice. If you leave then stay gone. I will forget you eventually but don't let me catch you. My self control isn't flawless."
     My brow furrows. "Catch me...aren't you.."
     He pulls away and stands up, smiling down at me and I'm paralyzed. I've never seen a smile like that on his face before. It lights up his eyes and he's looking at me in a soft almost loving way...
     "I'm not really here. I'm too busy to leave as much as I'd like to have this conversation in person. This is much like a dream to you. I'm giving you until morning to decide. Either come back to me and your son...or live with the consequences and disappear from my sight. I will claim another and forget you. You will become nothing to me if you so wish it. This is your only chance at freedom from me if that's what you want but if you return...I won't be letting you leave my side again." His eyes are alight with fire.
     With one last caress to my cheek, he disappears like a puff of smoke evaporating into the atmosphere...
     My eyes snap open and I gasp, holding my chest tightly. I touch my cheek and it's still warm from his soft touch.
     Tears fill my eyes as I stare into the dark vacant room. I can't sense him. He really was never here.
     My mind is filled with Taehyung and his parting smile.
Can I really be free...
Do I...really want to be—once and for all?
     I'm not as sure as I was hours ago...

Owned; sequel to CovetedWhere stories live. Discover now