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Name: SCP-8001

Object Class: Unknown

Description: SCP-8001 appears as a teenage orange Inkling girl that supposedly has the same powers as SCP-9001

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Description: SCP-8001 appears as a teenage orange Inkling girl that supposedly has the same powers as SCP-9001. SCP-8001 is to be contained in a locked room with walls and ceiling looking like a starry night sky to appease it. SCP-8001 is docile most of the time, but appears to be extremely protective of SCP-9001 and SCP-7001, as it will get aggressive if either one of them are harmed, bringing rumors that it could be the daughter of SCP-9001 and SCP-7001. SCP-9001 must be allowed to visit it to avoid aggression. The containment rooms of SCP-8001 and SCP-7001 are connected by a steel door so SCP-8001 can visit its rumored mother. This door must always be thawed enough to the point where it can open and close.

Breach Action: SCP-8001 will attempt to breach containment if the door connecting it and SCP-7001's containment rooms gets too frozen and doesn't budge. If it breaches containment, it must be stopped before it manages to help SCP-7001 breach containment.

Other info: SCP-8001 also seems to be unaffected by the harsh temperatures of SCP-7001's containment room, and seems to be unaffected from physical contact made to SCP-7001.

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