(Season 1) Chapter 51

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The three Paladins made it to the control room. Two guards were at the control computer. Allura was about to move in but Shiro put his hand out. His arm glowed and he rushed in. He attacked the first one as the second one attacked two swords driven through it. Kiara withdrew them as Shiro threw it to the side. "Good job." He said to her, Kiara rested the sword to her shoulders and the dragon lfew in followed by Allura. "Thanks." She said, taking the praise.

As she and Shiro throw them aside. "We only have a few minutes before the next patrol comes by watch the door." Shiro told Allura. Then he went over to the computer Kiara follows him, keeping her swords to her side. The dragon hoved flapping in the air watching the strange people before him.

"Okay Pidge, start the download." Shiro said. The screen went fuzzy as Pidge hacked into the computer. *Generating access code.* She said to them. After a few heartbeats. *We're in.* Pidge said only as she started flashing the Galra red symbol popped up. "Pidge,I think there's a problem." Shiro says. *Sit tight. I'm trying to work around this.* She tells them.

Kiara shifts her feet glancing to where Allura stood watch. Ebony squawked at her. "Come here." She told him. The black dragon flew and landed on her shoulder. She stroked him."You can feel the tension huh. Don't threaten. We got this." She calmed the dragon as he looked at the screen. 'Hurry up Pidge.'


*I'm on it, I'm not!* She says getting frustrated with Shiro. Kiara sighed and stiffen as she saw Allura turn around as a voice spoke up. 'Quiznack.' Kiara thought. "What's going on here?" One of the Galra soldiers asked her. 'Don't screw this up.' Kiara begged.

"It's about time you got here. Where is the rest of your squad?" Allura asked him to look for the rest of his group. "What squad?" He asked her. He tries to look past her. Kiara pressed her body to the wall the dragon arched his back while she gripped her two swords eyes narrowed ready to leap in on-command.

"Hurry up, Pidge." Shiro whispered to their Green Paladin. Kiara fixed a cool gaze on the door and Allura. "The squad that is to escort me and my associate to our ship." Allura tells him. He keeps looking behind her trying to see who was in there. "Who's back there? What's going on?" He questions her. She stops him. "We are part of Zarkon's high command. Our work must not be disturbed." She pushed him out.

Kiara sighed, removing her back from the wall. Ebony's back still arched. Keeping close to the wall she moved closer to listen to two outside. "Where's Chief Information Officer Plyxtox?" The soldier asked Allura. Kiara looked out keeping close once again to the wall. Kiara stiffen. 'Come Allura, you can do it.' Kiara looked to see Shiro and Pidge still at work.

"Uh, he's in there. Say hello, Plyxtox." Allura says. Kiara looks to Shiro raising her eyebrow. "Uh. It's Plytox!" Kiara stiffen trying not to laugh at his impression of the Galra officer. "Oh, sorry, see." Allura says. Kiara let a smirk cross her lips. "Oh. Vrepit sa, sir! I get his name wrong all the time too." They walks off.

Everyone let out a breath. Ebony relaxed as Kiara stroked him. "Sorry, buddy maybe I should have left you with the others or Coran." she said as he lightly purred his tail laid on her left side and swished.

Before she could move, the sound of returning footsteps echoed and she glanced back and saw the same guy returning. Ebony lashes his tail as an uneasy wash over everyone. The same guy was back. "Now, what?" Kiara muttered.



Allura looked as if the same soldier walked back up to her. "Do you think I could get assigned to Zarkon's unit? Nothing happens on this ship." He asked her. Kiara eyes widen. 'Nothing? Right now. There are six paladins here two on your ship and their princess standing right in front of you. Hacking your systems and you say nothing ever happens on this ship.' Kiara would have let out a laugh if she could.

"Oh, well, I don't know. What's the bloodthirstiness scale of one to five? One being, No thanks, I'm full, and five being Unquenchable." Allura asked him. Kiara face palmed. 'How were they buying this act so easily?' She wondered. Glancing to Shiro he was also a bit shocked how well and slow things were going.

"Hmm. If I'm being honest, about three." He replies. Kiara rolls her eyes in amazement. This guy was so clueless. Ebony twitched his ears and she smiled. "So he's telling the truth huh." She whispered stroking him.

"We can work on that." Allura tells him The alarms began to blare. Kiara lepat to her feet eyes wide. The words rang out along with the warning. Fugitive prisoner 117-9875 detected. Remain where you are. Security alert.

The soldier pulled out his gun. Allura hand her arms up. Kiara stood her two blades out to her sides the dragon flapped his wings eyes narrowed like cats. Kiara shot Shiro at a glance. He was startled and on edge.

Then his eyes widened as he saw. "Uh, help! Intruders!" He yells as Allura shuts the door on him. "I think we're in trouble." Shiro says. "You think?" Allura and Kiara both said. Kiara shifted her stance ready to act if they broke through.

"I have an idea." Allura says. "Whatever you think better do it quickly!" Kiara snapps her fight and flight were taking ahold of her. "Kia help me." Kiara nods.

The two girls ran at the door and slammed into the Galra soldier outside. Kiara stepped back as Allura grabbed the weapon. They looked to Shiro who stared at them in shock. "What?" they asked him. Clearly confused why he was looking at them like that. The sound of more soldiers coming and laser fring. "Come on." Kiara shouted. They took off running.

"Pidge, fire up the Green Lion We're coming in hot!" Shiro says only to have more soldiers blocking their paths. Kiara yelps as Allura fired the gun behind her. They looked to see one soldier fall. Kiara and Shiro both stare at her with 'really look.'

Shiro's arm glowed and he lunged at the Galra before them. Kiara and Ebony followed suit. As one tried to strike Shiro and Kiara spun striking the last one down. Quickly she spun as the others raced up. Allura grabbed one of the soldiers and threw them. "Ebony, Plasma." Kiara shouted. The Ebony Night Terror fired a dark blue blast at the group.

Allura turned to them only to have Space Dad Shiro scolding her. "I thought you said you'd traveled around the galaxy. I mean, you fly a spaceship. How could you not know how to hold this correctly?" Shiro asked, turning the weapon around.

Allura took it and then grabbed Shiro's hand and pulled him into a run. Kiara shot after him with Ebony following after them. "I'm tense! This is a tense situation." Allura tells him as they run after him.

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