41: Jealousy Part One - Shoto's POV

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Now, as mentioned in 38: Jealousy Part One - (y/n)'s POV, I present the same story line but all from Todoroki's POV! So, it's exactly the same at both Part One and Part Two of Jealousy but it's from his POV. The set up will be the same, two parts each with three mini titled sections in. Hope this makes sense! 

One: The Start of UA

Two: The Sports Festival

Three: The Beach Day

Quirk: Bunny

One: The Start of UA

I walked up to the grand tall building called UA High School, ready to become a Pro Hero. I tried my hardest to block my arrogant dad from my mind, determined not to follow down the path of cruelty he went down.

I found my assigned seat in the classroom and simply sat down, ignoring everyone else around me. There was a brief moment however when into the classroom walked two girls, one with short brown hair and pink cheeks, whilst the other had (h/l) (h/c) hair with two rabbit ears poking out from it. She intrigued me and for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She glanced over to me, and that's when I saw she also had whiskers. As quickly as she had glanced over to me she looked away, turning back to the brunette next to her.

A yellow haired boy immediately approached her and started up a conversation, but I could tell she was uncomfortable by the awkward way she got out of the conversation and walked around the classroom to find her seat. To my surprise it turned out she was in the seat to my right, and before I could stop myself I glanced over at her again. A small part of me wanted to talk to her, but I fought against the urge as judging by her encounter with the yellow haired boy, she seemed timid and nervous. My thoughts drifted away as soon as our teacher came into the room, and began our first lesson of UA High School.

- Timeskip -

We had been at UA for a week now, and despite me knowing everyone's names I still kept to myself. I looked on at my peers though, judging their quirks and personalities, analysing who would be likely to come out on top and sizing up those I would have to compete against to become the number one Pro Hero. I had realised that (l/n) was very timid although judging by the quirk tests Aizawa had put us through on our first day, she had very strong legs and incredible senses. Her quirk intrigued me, but I refused to admit to myself that she looked a little bit cute...

Aizawa announced in class today that we were to hold rep elections, but claimed it was down to us and that he was going to take a nap whilst we decided. Iida announced we should do a democratic vote, and he began shouting out orders for everyone to follow. It seemed too apparent that he wanted to win.

"Hey everyone! (y/n)'s interested in becoming the rep!" Uraraka suddenly announced, taking me by surprise.

"Ochaco!" (y/n) squealed at her best friend, embarrassed.

"She's got my vote for sure," Kaminari winked at her, making her blush bright red. I personally couldn't see (y/n) becoming the class rep, as nice as she was she wasn't yet capable of leading a class. Yaoyorozu however seemed confident and intelligent, she seemed like a natural leader so when Iida came around collecting our votes, I voted for her. Once all the votes had been collected he began to read them out, announcing who voted for who as well as making a tally on the board at the front of the classroom.

Kaminari did indeed vote for (y/n), probably just to get in her good books, and Ochaco did too however what surprised me the most was that I had received a vote. (y/n) had voted for me, and I couldn't help but look at her, wondering why she would vote for me in the first place. She hid her head in her arms, refusing to look up from her desk.

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