Chapter 20

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Alia rushes down towards the bottom of the sink hole....

"Obi wan?" Alia whispered quietly, using the force to locate her friend.... she hoped he wasn't dead.

Suddenly he jumped out of the water....Alia sighed in relief.

They both quickly walked back to General Grievous's secret landing platform..... Obi Wan runs to the Starfigher, and checks to see if it's good shape.

He turned to Alia... who quickly jogged over towards him, he gently helped her into the fighter... and then he quickly joined her.

The fighter takes off.... and heads back towards Coruscant.


"Emergency code nine thirteen.... I have no contact on any frequency. Are there any Jedi out there? Anywhere.." Alia spoke into her com-link

A burst of static is heard and then a fuzzy hologram image appeared in front of her.

"Kenobi? Alia?" A voice said.

"I've locked on. Repeat." Alia replied sighed.

The fuzzy hologram image begins to focus, and it's Bail Organa.

"Alia?" Bail Organa asked.

"Senator Organa! Our Clone troops turned on us.... we need help," Alia replied.

"I've just rescued Master Yoda. It appears this ambush has happened everywhere. I'm sending you our coordinates," Bail Organa said.

Alia stomach started to twist and turn.... she gently placed her hands on her stomach, exposing her pregnant belly.... Obi Wan turned towards her.

"Alia... you're pregnant!" Obi Wan said... she looked at him and noticed that he was completely surprised.

"Y-yeah...." Alia said quietly.

"H-have you told Anakin?" Obi Wan questioned.

"No I-I wanted to wait until after I got home..." Alia smiled.

"You were gonna leave the Jedi order? Weren't you?" Obi Wan asked.

"Yes, but Anakin wasn't," Alia sighed.

They both grew quiet.


The fighter docks with Bail Organa's Star cruiser....

The door to the main hallway slides open...

Alia and Obi Wan entered and both were greeted by Yoda and Bail Organa.... The four walk down the hallway.... slowly.

"You both made it," Bail spoke up.

"Alia... Master Kenobi, dark times are these. Good to see you both... it is," Yoda smiled weakly.

"You were attacked by your Clones, also?" Alia asked.

"With the help of the Wookiees, barely escape... I did," Yoda replied.

"How many other Jedi managed to survive?" Obi Wan spoke up...

"Heard from no one, have we" Yoda signed.

"I saw thousands of troops attack the Jedi temple... that's why I went looking for Yoda," Bail Organa replied.

"Have we had any contact from the Temple?" Alia asked.

"Received a coded retreat message... we have," Yoda said.

"It requests all Jedi to return to the Temple. It says that the war is over..." Bail Organa replied.

"Well, then we must go back! If there are any stragglers... they will fall into the trap and be killed," Alia said.

"It's too dangerous to return," Bail Organa signed.

"Suggest dismantling the codes signal, do you?" Yoda questioned Alia.

"Yes Master... there is too much at stake here, we need a clearer picture of what happened," Alia said.... looking down towards Yoda.

He saw that she had so much courage and wouldn't stop at nothing.... but he also sensed sadness and anger in her.

"I agree. In a dark place we find ourselves... a little more knowledge might light our way," Yoda replied.

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