Snow Babies : HongHwa

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*based off of my book Strawberries and Cigarettes. If you haven't read that book, please read that before reading this so you're not confused 🥰


"Babe! I'm leaving for work!" Seonghwa shouts from the doorway, "The roads are covered in snow so I'm leaving early to get there on time."

"Okay! Be careful!" Hongjoong calls, "Did you say if Nana was on her way to come watch the kiddos?"

"Nana's not getting out in this weather!" Seonghwa puts his hands on his hips, "And if you call her and ask her to come out here I will personally kill you when I get home. You are more than capable of watching our kids especially since you don't have to go in!"

Hongjoong nods, "Yes honey."

"Good," Seonghwa smiles innocently, "There's leftovers in the fridge from last night for lunch and if the kids don't want it there's peanut butter and jelly and bread. Love you!"

"Love you too," Hongjoong calls back, sipping his coffee as he sits on the couch. It was still early and the kids didn't have school today because of the snow and ice on the roads, so they got to sleep in for a bit. However, he didn't get to catch a small nap before he heard pitter pattering of tiny feet coming down the hallway.

He arches his eyebrow and looks down the hall, seeing their two year old daughter Joohee coming into the living room with her blanket in one hand and sippy cup full of water in the other. He smiles, "Good morning baby," he opens his arms for her to crawl into them, she huffs slightly before bringing her sippy cup spout to her mouth and began to chug her water. Hongjoong kisses her wild bedhead, "Did you sleep good?"

She nods, removing her sippy cup to hand it to him, "All gone."

"Did you go potty?" He asked, feeling her diaper she had on and sighing, "Baby girl you nearly peed through your diaper again. We may have to stop giving you the sippy before bed."

"No!" She frowns, jerking her sippy cup back into her hands and holding it close, "My sippy!"

"Come on," he stands with her in his arms and carries her to the bathroom, "Let's go potty and then we can make some breakfast for us and bubba and sissy."

"Cheeos!" She smiles pointing to the kitchen.

"I'll get you some cheerios after you go potty," he chuckles, kissing her cheek, "mommy's wanting you to start wearing big girl pull ups here soon and you can't if you keep peeing in the diaper."

After taking care of his youngest, he brings her to the kitchen and sets her down in her high chair, pouring a handful of Cheerios on the tray for her to snack on while he makes breakfast. It was only eight in the morning, but his little minions were used to getting up early and being at school at this time of the day.

He didn't have to wait long, with the help of bacon frying he heard a bedroom door open and footsteps coming down the hall to the kitchen. Joohee munched on her Cheerios as she waited for her eggs and pancakes to be made, but when her sister and brother step into the room she squeals, "Bubby sissy up!"

Hongjoong smiles, setting a plate of pancakes on the table and grabbing the syrup from the microwave, "Hi baby, did you sleep good?"

"Yeah," Jooeun yawns as she climbs into a chair to sit at the table, "Mommy never got us up for school."

"That's because there is no school," Hongjoong winks, "It's called off because of the snow and ice on the roads."

Jooeun purses her lips as she lays her head on the table, yawning once more, "Can we take a nap today?"

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