Prologue Part 2

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Arya's PoV~

7 years later...

"Last call for food!" I dropped my shovel and took off my gloves before running over to where I heard Oliver's voice.

When I arrived, Oliver had a bag with some bread and potatoes in it. He handed me the bag and followed behind me as I went back to the garden.

"How was the run?" I asked him, knowing it must have been hard since he didn't get that much food.

"It was odd. There were more warriors than usually." I hummed in response.

Oliver was a kind man that I met a few years ago, back before I came to the Jadestrike Hideout. It was a year after I was banished from my pack.

I was hunting in the Alaric Woods, which is north of my old pack, when I ran into him. He was a rogue. I was terrified of him, at first, but when he offered me some of my deer, I knew he didn't have any intentions to hurt me.

He told me about this place that rogues can live, the Jadestrike Hideout. It was a bit of land that belonged to the Wave Rock Pack but it was isolated due to the Belleset River that surrounded it.

We have been living here ever since with a few other rogues. We have formed our own little community. He has also helped me with my 'powers'. He's the only person that knows and I want to keep it that way.

Oliver helped me finish planting the last few seeds I had left to plant. After, when it started to become dark, we headed to our cottage.

Yes, we lived together. No, we aren't mates.

Oliver is 24 and mateless. But I refused to live without him, especially after everything he's done for me.

I started dinner, using the bread and potatoes, while we discussed his run. The increase of warriors did worry me but winter was just around the corner.

"Maybe you can come with me tomorrow. I have another run to the Crescent Moon Pack." I chuckled at his offer, knowing he only asked to be nice. He already knew that I was going with him.

"Wow, how nice of-"

The sound of a wolf cry interrupted me. It didn't sound familiar but it did sound close. Way too close.

I turned to Oliver to already see him looking out the window. His eyes widen and they reflected fear.

My stomach dropped and my heart froze.

"Olly?" I whimpered, fearing the worst.

"Go out the back. I'll be right behind you."

Without thinking, I did what he said after grabbing the emergency bag of supplies for this very situation.

I always had nightmares that pack warriors would raid this place and kill us but I never thought it would happen.

I ran out the back and shifted into my wolf. I turned to the hill to see dozens of wolves running down it, towards us.

That's not what scared me the most though. It was their fur.

Their red fur.

They were Blood Wood warriors.

I ran a few hundred yards towards the tree line but Oliver wasn't behind me.

I heard cries and screams from wolves; wolves that I've lived with for years.

Blood Wood warriors didn't just kill. They tortured.

They ripped people apart for the fun of it. Their wolves were more insane than rogues, yet we're the ones labeled as monsters.

My eyes found Oliver fighting with a Blood Wood warrior. I ran to help but my heart completely stopped as I saw another red wolf jump on top of him.

I knew I wasn't going to get there in time to help but I still tried to run faster.

The wolf wrapped its jaw around Oliver's throat and before I could do anything to stop it, the wolf ripped Oliver's throat out.

I watched in horror as Olly's body dropped to the glass.

His eyes were open, staring right at me. 


Did you all enjoy? Tell me your thoughts!


Where are you guys from? I was born in Pennsylvania.

Any predictions? 

-L 👑😘💕 

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