||Chapter 20||

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We're in the middle of the story of how Cole and Jamie met when Sergio pulls in to the school lot. I face palm myself. Out of all days it was today he decides to drive the Tesla. God I must've looked like such a try hard.

I simply smile at Sergio before walking towards the back seat door. As I open the door I'm met with a bulky black car seat in the way. I forgot he had to pick up Liv. I close the door and tell Cole he can sit at the back while I sit up front.

The drive to Livs school was pretty quiet apart from the boy talk between Sergio and Cole about sports and what not.

I walk in to Livs school and sign her out before skipping back to the car with her.

She seemed shocked to see Cole sitting at the back. I laugh and strap her in. "Liv this is Cole my friend" she still seemed hostile towards him "Hey Liv" he waves with a smile "I like potatoe" she says crossing her arms followed by the most adorable frown "Livvvv" I say shocked she was being rude to Cole "Potatoe?" Cole asks "Tate" I reply rolling my eyes.

"You be good okay" I reply to Liv before closing the door and skipping over to my side. I hop in the car and we begin driving to my house to pick up a car rather than have Sergio drive us.

Liv talks majority of the way starting to warm up to Cole she even gave him a food related nickname 'Coleslaw' which he seemed to love. I was glad my  relationship with Cole was strictly platonic and that I wouldn't have to worry about Liv getting attached to him and then him disappearing like Tate did.

Once we finally get to the house I run Liv inside to my mom and grab the keys to the Jeep. I race back to Cole who was casually leaning against my moms favourite statue of Artemis.

"You ready to go?" I ask clicking open the garage door "Yep" he says standing straight following me into the garage "Did you want me to drive?" He asks as I hesitate to open the door "it's fine I just..." I drift of thinking about River teaching me how to drive the other day. I smile to myself before hoping in.

We drive to the sound of NIKI and Coles commentary about the scenery as well as the directions to Jamie's school.

We get there without a hitch. I smile proud I made it all the way here without killing either of us. I laugh knowing how happy River would be seeing me drive without panicking or hitting a curb.

We get out of the car to see at least 20 guys in gear doing up downs on the field. I watch amazed at how fit they were, being able to run for who knows how long in all that gear "Well they're already on game practice so it must be finishing soon what's the time?" He asks "4:40" I reply looking down at my phone "Only about 20 more minutes" he replies popping an M&M into his mouth "want one?" he asks holding it towards me "Sure" I reply flicking one in to my mouth.

We begin taking turns throwing one up in the air and catching it in our mouths. Cole was currently winning with 15 while I had caught about zero "No fair your mouth is bigger" I say missing my millionth one "Some are born lucky I guess" he winks catching yet another one in his mouth "Ughhh" I moan throwing a yellow one up  in to the air "Hey what did I tell you kids about playing with your food" I get a fright as a voice booms behind me.

I'm about to look when I finally do it I catch one in my mouth "Yaaaaay you got it" Cole cheers . I chew the M&M and fix my face forward to see Jamie smiling and covered in sweat. "Hey" I say smiling back and rushing toward him "What a nice surprise" he says giving me a warm and sweaty hug "You're welcome" Cole says now eating the packet like normal "Sorry I'm all sweaty" Jamie says moving his arm away from me "No worries you still smell better than Cole" I say being Cheeky causing Cole to throw an M&M at my forehead.

"You guys are looking good out there" Cole says nodding his head towards the field "Would you expect any less" Jamie says smirking and shrugging his shoulders "our boys would still run them up" Cole replies pressing him tongue against his cheek as he laughs "I'll keep an eye out especially for your boy" Jamie says poking at me "Which one?" Cole says teasing "Ohhhhhh which one?" Jamie says looking at me surprised "You'll have to catch me up over a post practice snack" he says inviting us to eat "You in?" He asks Cole. Cole rolls his eyes before nodding his head.

After Jamie washed up we drove over to this little pancake shop that apparently used to be Coles favourite before he moved to Northdale.

I drove in my car with Cole while Jamie drove his and we followed behind him. It was a really long drive almost 40 minutes and within that 40 minutes we had lost Jamie multiple times, luckily Cole knew the way.

We finally approach a huge sign which read Pete's Pancake Parlour in large gold neon letters. I park up next to Jamie's car which was empty. Cole and I look at each other wondering where he was. Cole shrugs his shoulders before walking inside.

Mmmmm it smelt so good. As soon as we walked in the smell of Pancakes and Bacon filled the air. My mouth watered at the smell "Keep it in your mouth we'll get some food in you" Cole says ruffling my hair. I giggle like a little kid.

We sit in a booth waiting for Jamie to
Find us "he's probably in the bathroom" I reply trying to ease Coles very tense face "Probably" he replies still a little jumpy.
"Hey what's wrong?" I ask leaning closer to him "Nothing, why?" He replies shifting uncomfortably "Cmon Cole you can't tell me" I say softening my facials "It's just ugh" he drops his hands into his lap "Before I moved to Northdale there was-" he's cut off by a loud southern accent "Hey y'all anything I can get for you kids?" I look up to be met with a curvy red headed lady "Are we ready to order yet?" I turn my head from her to Cole "Uh yeah sure why not you're hungry right?" He asks. I reluctantly nod my head and pick the menu up.

As I'm scanning the menu I can feel the waitress staring uncomfortably hard at us for some reason. I peek up from the menu to see Cole biting his finger nails. He was acting really weird. "I'll have the banana and maple pancakes with whip cream and bacon please" I ask with a smile "Got
It and for you darling" she says to Cole "Just a black coffee and a poached egg bagel thanks" he says with his head still ducked down "coming right up" she says taking our menus and walking off.

After a few minutes of silence I couldn't help but worry. He literally ordered a serial killers breakfast compared to all the other food, Jamie was still a no show even though his car was here, and Cole was still keeping his head down like he was in hiding.

We remained silent till the food came. The food smelt and looked amazing I almost didn't want to eat it. I take a quick photo of our food before digging in "Mmmmm" I can't help but moan as the cream and syrup dance along my tongue to the beat of the fluffiest pancake I'd ever eaten "Good right" Cole says now back to his usual self "Amaaazing" I reply taking another bite "We're coming here more often"I insist as I swallow my food. He just smiles while eating his prison food "Cole" I hear Jamie's voice from behind us causing Cole to jump "Why are you so jumpy" Jamie says coming closer to us "Sorry just a habit" Cole says clearing his throat. Jamie shakes his head and laughs "What took you so long?" Cole asks taking a sip of his coffee "I was just catching up with some people, you remember Delilah right?" Jamie says without a care in the world wear as I see all the colour drain from Coles eyes. Who was Delilah?

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