Chapter 23

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When they entered the room, the sight they were met with made them both freeze.

A figure held Nene Yashiro by the throat, gazing at her struggling with dark, souless eyes. It wore a long black overcoat covered in dried bloodstains that reached to the floor, not revealing any part of the rest of its body. Its hair was green, which faded into maroon. Its mouth was slightly open, revealing sharp teeth.

"What's going on?!" Yako cried in horror. The figure turned its head towards the two other spirits, grinning.

"Well, well, what's this?" It asked, amused. "Two school wonders have come to play with me? How fun!" He squeezed Nene's throat tighter, causing her to gasp before passing out. "However, if you want the girl to live, you'll have to convince me to let her go."

"How about we just kill you?" Tsuchigomori asked calmly, pulling out a dagger. "That seems much easier."

"Ah, but you won't reach me in time to save the girl." The ghost reminded him. Tsuchigomori swore under his breath and put the knife back.

"What do you want?!" Yako exclaimed angrily. "Why can't you just let her go?!" The ghost laughed.

"Well, the problem is..." It gestured to itself with a clawed hand. "I'm a ghoul. I need to eat flesh in order to live. Most ghouls enjoy the taste of human flesh. I, however, am fond of spirits." It laughed at the horrified expressions on the two apparitions' faces. "That doesn't mean I won't eat the girl if you don't bargain with me, though. I can settle for human." He lifted Nene's arm to his mouth, about to take a bite out of it.

"Don't!" Yako yelled. "Don't touch her!"

She had never wanted to admit it, but Yako thought of the girl as a younger sister. The thought of her perishing at the hands of a ghoul...

It was too much to bear.

"What is it that you're after?" She asked, stepping forward. The ghoul grinned.

"I simply wish to devour." It said. "My bargain is that I let the girl live in exchange for gaining another meal... meaning, one of you two."

"Absolutely not!" Tsuchigomori shouted. "We're not doing that! That is a ridicu-"

"Very well." The ghoul said. "What a shame, I thought you cared about this girl..." It took her limp head and brought her to its mouth, its eyes filled with a hungry gleam.

"No!" Yako cried out. "Fine, I'll do it, just put her down!"

"Yako!" Tsuchigomori exclaimed. "You can't-"

"Stay out of this!" Yako screamed. "I'm not gonna let another innocent person die! Not while I'm here!" She stepped forward again. "Put her down, I'll do it!"

The ghoul chuckled. "That's what I like to hear... alright." It set Nene down, her falling limp to the floor.

"Now, your end of the deal?" It asked, licking its lips. Yako gulped.

She could just attack now... she could kill it now...

"And you'd better not think of betraying me." The ghoul added. "You won't be able to get away from here alive." 

"Yako..." Tsuchigomori whispered. She looked back at him, smiling a little.

"It's for the best." She said. "I won't let her die here... not like this..." With that, she walked up to the ghoul, somehow seeming brave.

"Yako!!" Tsuchigomori shouted. "Don't do this!"

~Nene's POV~

Nene woke up to the sound of yelling.

It was Tsuchigomori-sensei.

She could hear what he was saying... her head hurt too much...

What had happened?


She had been in a classroom in the old building, studying for the test she had tomorrow. Then, Hisato-san had walked in, and...

She shuddered.

He had turned into a horrible monster. And then Tsuchigomori and Yako had run in and-

The sound of crunching and chomping caused Nene to open her eyes in alarm.

For the rest of her life, she wished she hadn't.

Hisato was holding a body in his arms. His mouth was covered in blood, and he grinned down at the headless corpse. Blood was everywhere; on him, the body, and the ground around them. Nene gasped, looking away, but the image was burned into her mind.

That kimono... where had she seen that kimono before...?

"No..." She heard Tsuchigomori say quietly. He sank to his knees, his eyes glazed over with disbelief.

"What's the issue?" Hisato asked, amused. "Unhappy that you had to see your friend get beheaded?"

With a start, Nene remembered where she had seen the kimono.

It was Yako's.

"YAKO-CHAN!!!" She screamed, tears exploding from her eyes. She screamed again, and again, staring at the headless, bloodied body of the kitsune apparition. The whole world felt like it was spinning, and Nene fell over, vomiting.

"Goodness gracious." Hisato said with distaste. "She is quite loud, isn't she?"

"SHUT UP!!!" Tsuchigomori shouted, tears in his eyes. He brought out his knife again, and with a yell, he charged at the boy.

Hisato dodged him easily, smirking as he pressed a finger to the angry apparition's forehead. With a groan, Tsuchigomori collapsed, dropping his dagger with a clang.

Nene had stopped throwing up, and was now staring into space in shock. She heard footsteps, and slowly looked up to see Hisato, smiling down at her. His hair had turned the color of Yako's hair. Blood dripped off his chin and onto Nene's cheek.

"If you tell anyone about me..." He said quietly, a sinister smile on his face. "I'll kill you and everyone you love, got it?"

Nene nodded slowly, hot tears streaming down her face. Hisato straightened and walked out the door.

"Yashiro? Where are you?"

"Senpai? Senpai?"

It was Hanako and Kou. "H-here I am..." Nene croaked.

"Senpai?" A figure came to the door. "OH MY GOD, NENE!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?"

"NENE!" Nene felt someone at her side. It was Hanako. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!"

"I..." Nene began to cry again, sobbing and heaving on the floor, not having the energy to get up. She screamed again, the memories flooding back in. She felt warm liquid on the floor, and she couldn't tell if it was blood or puke.

It was the worst moment of her life.


Sorry... :(

New chapter coming soon

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