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nevillelb : so um, guys
nevillelb : I kind of have some news to tell you

harryjpotter : you're pregnant?

dracomalfoy : you cheated on Seamus?

deanthomas : Seamus cheated on you?

seamusf : bloody hell!

ginnywsl : you're not actually gay?

ronaldwsl : they're serving s-creamy pudding tonight?

nevillelb : guys what the bloody hell?

hermioneg : let Neville talk, you guys
hermioneg : also
hermioneg : Ron, your food addiction is getting out of hand

nevillelb : I second that ^

dracomalfoy : so what did you want to tell us?

nevillelb : so Oli is kind of gay for Newt's son

lovegood : oh I've met him!
lovegood : he's actually quite an adorable guy
lovegood : seems like his father too
lovegood : appearance and everything

oliverwood : so you guys are okay with this?

seamusf : why the hell wouldn't we?

aatlas : Honestly
aatlas : me, Luna, Granger, Ginevra, Fred, George, Dean and Ron
aatlas : are probably the only straight people in this groupchat

lovegood : I'm bisexual Atty

ginnywsl : so am I, Atlas

aatlas : you get my point.

ronaldwsl : honestly we won't judge you even if you decided to date a dragon

dracomalfoy : Weasley I knew you were stupid
dracomalfoy : but...
dracomalfoy : what?

harryjpotter : Ron
harryjpotter : ...what ?

hermioneg : well, Oli what are you waiting for?
hermioneg : add him into the groupchat

fredw : guys !!!
fredw : George is in the infirmary
fredw : he and some Hufflepuff boy were fighting over Oliver

harryjpotter : oh dear Merlin

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